Versions 8 - 8.19 Changelog
Updated 3 months ago
Version 8.19 — October 30, 2023 #
- ADDED new Gallery element – now you can easily create simple image galleries without complex Grid interface. Check the example
- ADDED new Term List element – allows you easily create a list of terms based on Grid settings, but with more new abilities:
- show terms of the current post (like the Post Taxonomy element)
- show terms based on their custom fields
- show terms except selected
- exclude the current term
- and many other combinations which can't be possible via the Grid element
- IMPROVED Button element – added the ability to select a text dynamic value for the Button Label (this ability will be implemented for more elements and options in future releases)
- IMPROVED Order Details element – added the "Actions for plugins compatibility" value used for compatibility with 3rd-party plugins
- IMPROVED Design > Background settings – added the Background Blend Mode option allowing to create creative backgrounds
- IMPROVED WordPress Login page – the logo uses the homepage URL instead of "" if a custom icon is set
- IMPROVED timing of appearance animations – check example 1, example 2, example 3
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when the responsive "Horizontal Alignment" of Wrapper elements isn't working for Grid Layouts
- FIXED incorrect page title and URL inside an email message when the Contact Form is on archive pages
- FIXED cases when Live Builder shows incorrect columns layout which is set via the WPBakery Builder
- FIXED bug when the Image element with a link in a header uses the unchangeable "Link" aria-label
- FIXED bug when videos with autoplay enabled start playing after closing the popup window
- FIXED case when WPBakery allows to add the Inner Row inside other Inner Row element
- FIXED work of search inside the "Manually selected items" option of the Grid element
- FIXED case when the Live Builder cannot correctly save text values with quotes
- FIXED case when the Counter element doesn't show its "count" animation
- FIXED incorrect preview of Google fonts in the Setup Wizard in Safari
- FIXED image editing inside the Media library opened in Live Builder
- FIXED several possible PHP errors with incorrect content
- FIXED bug when Social Links can't be visible in a Footer
- FIXED several compatibility issues with WPML
- FIXED incorrect Grid Layout duplication
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.18.3 — September 22, 2023 #
- IMPROVED Theme Options – turned back the ability to edit Site Layout and Typography settings in the admin area. Live customization is only available when the "Live Builder" switch is enabled
- FIXED bug when custom post types couldn't be edited via the Live Builder after the updating to 8.18.2
- FIXED bug when an incorrect "Additional Google Fonts" value could break a website styling
- FIXED case when typography fonts aren't available for selection after the updating to 8.18
- FIXED PHP warnings after the updating to 8.18 in some cases
Version 8.18.2 — September 18, 2023 #
- FIXED appearance of checkboxes on the Checkout page after the WooCommerce update
- FIXED rare case when the "Page Layout" settings can't be saved for custom post types
- FIXED work of the "Gap between columns" option in the WPBakery Page Buider
- FIXED bug when new Typography settings can't be edited in some cases
- FIXED bug when Button Styles in Theme Options can't be duplicated
- FIXED work of the "Sidebar Width" slider in the Site Layout settings
Version 8.18 — September 12, 2023 #
- ADDED Setup Wizard – a step-by-step assistant that allows you to create the basis of your future website in a few minutes. Based on your decision, you can:
- Use a Pre-built Website – Choose one of the 50+ smart pre-built websites and install it as a ready site (former Demo Import with new filters)
- Build From Scratch – Quickly select and preview website Header, Footer, Colors, Fonts, and Plugins and install the Home page
- ADDED New Typography settings:
- added the ability to change Font Weight, Bold Text Font Weight, Text Transform, Font Style, and Letter Spacing values for Global Text
- added the ability to change most of the settings for Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, and Mobiles separately
- now, settings have the live preview; you can open them on any page, adjust values, and see the result without saving changes
- IMPROVED Live Builder:
- added new "Site Settings" mode, which allows to open a specific page and preview the changes of global settings (Site Layout and Typography)
- now, you can resize the preview area within device breakpoints in the responsive mode
- added the traditional WordPress notification when trying to edit a page that another user is editing
- IMPROVED Display Logic settings:
- now, you can use the dynamic values for custom field comparison. This means you can compare a custom field value with another custom field value
- added {{today}}, {{today_now}}, {{now}} shortcodes which represent the current date and time in the corresponding formats: Ymd, YmdHis, His. Check the relevant feature request
- settings added for Tabs and Accordion sections
- IMPROVED Row/Section and Inner Row elements – now you can set the Gap between columns separately for Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, and Mobiles
- IMPROVED support – added " Type" option, which allows you to set the desired markup type on any page
- IMPROVED Text element – added ability to use more HTML tags (br, code, i, small, span, strong, sub, sup)
- IMPROVED WPBakery Page Builder support with 7.0 version
- UPDATED Twitter icon – now it shows the new "X" brand logo
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when the "Show items in one column on mobiles" option of Horizontal Wrapper doesn't work in Grid Layouts
- FIXED bug when the [acf field="field_name"] shortcode breaks Text Block appearance in the Live Builder
- FIXED bug when the Media Library search doesn't work in the Live Builder while adding an image
- FIXED bug when Design settings from the Reusable Block are not applied in the Popup element
- FIXED bug when Design > Box Shadow values are not applied on mobiles in some cases
- FIXED incorrect appearance of "masonry" grid items with custom sizes in some cases
- FIXED incorrect scroll position of Accordion sections when using the Vertical Header
- FIXED bug when UTF-8 symbols are not displayed correctly in new "Link" settings
- FIXED bug when Social Links colors are not applied with the "Solid" icons style
- FIXED bug when Grid Filter mobile popup isn't showing with applied animation
- FIXED bug when new Link option doesn't save a page link with the "Enter" key
- FIXED bug when Person Custom Link doesn't show a custom Title attribute
- FIXED bug when Custom CSS is not used on the "Order Received" template
- FIXED appearance of the Events Calendar page on laptops and tablets
- FIXED appearance of images in header with Imagify plugin enabled
- FIXED security vulnerability within the Menu Dropdown settings
- FIXED PHP error in the Live Builder with huge amount of text
- FIXED breadcrumbs accessibility issue
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.17.4 — July 18, 2023 #
- FIXED incorrect appearance of switch controls in WPBakery elements settings after updating to 8.17
- FIXED bug when the Grid Filter shows extra taxonomy terms which aren't used in the filterable Grid
- FIXED bug when the fullscreen Mobile Menu prevents element selection in the Live Builder
- FIXED incorrect appearance of the Post Image media preview when it has any Link value
- FIXED appearance of checkboxes and radio buttons on default Cart and Checkout pages
- FIXED incorrect appearance of the Link "Select Dynamic Values" popup on big screens
- FIXED work of the "Remove left and right indents" option of the Tabs element
Version 8.17.3 — July 6, 2023 #
- IMPROVED new Link control:
- added "Media File: Custom Link" into dynamic value selection, it's now easier to create an image gallery with custom links via the "Grid / Listing" element
- added "Text" ACF fields into dynamic value selection
- turned back ability to use [lang] as a part of URLs when using WPML or Polylang
- turned back ability to use {{custom_field}} as a part of URLs
- IMPROVED Social Links element – now it uses new Link control with all its abilities
- FIXED issue when some ACF values were displayed incorrectly in the new Link control after update to 8.17
- FIXED bug when the Image Slider flickers on page load
Version 8.17.2 — June 30, 2023 #
- IMPROVED new Link control – now you can search posts/pages/terms to apply their URL, this works in all places
- IMPROVED separate "Templates" admin menu – now it isn't shown if the White Label is active
- FIXED bug when the Search Results page doesn't show default Header and Footer
- FIXED bug when the Dropdown element is not editable in the Header Builder
- FIXED the Horizontal Wrapper element preview when editing via Live Edit
- FIXED incorrect format when editing element links with old values
- FIXED rare case when updating to 8.17 causes PHP fatal error
Version 8.17.1 — June 27, 2023 #
- IMPROVED access to editing of Headers, Page Templates, Reusable Blocks, and Grid Layouts – now it is controlled by advanced option (disabled by default)
- FIXED visual issue when the Carousel element jumps vertically on page load
- FIXED checkboxes and radio buttons styling inside the Grid Filter
Version 8.17 — June 26, 2023 #
- ADDED new Link control for all settings where you can set the link:
- added dynamic values selection (predefined or relevant custom fields) with a convenient popup interface
- now it's possible to check/uncheck opening in a new tab for any link
- now it's possible to check/uncheck the "nofollow" attribute for any link
- now it's possible to set the "title" attribute and the "onclick" action for any link
- IMPROVED access to Headers, Page Templates, Reusable Blocks, and Grid Layouts (if the White Label is not active):
- now they are located in the separate "Templates" admin menu
- now they can be accessible for editors in Theme Options
- IMPROVED "Link" post format – now it works for custom post types in Grid/ Listing (opens a link from the content instead of a post link)
- IMPROVED Post Taxonomy element – now the separator symbol is showing inside <b></b> HTML tags for better customizing
- IMPROVED appearance of browser checkboxes and radio buttons – now they use styles from Theme Options > Fields Style
- IMPROVED WPML support – now more elements are available for translation inside the advanced translation manager
- IMPROVED Grid Filter element – now the relevant posts amount is showing in brackets (in dropdowns) for better UX
- IMPROVED Horizontal Wrapper element – added options to change its items alignment for laptops, tablets, mobiles
- IMPROVED Post Title element – added the ability to shorten the title by the specified amount of characters
- IMPROVED Post Image element – added the option to set the gallery images amount for a media preview
- IMPROVED Button Styles – added ability to set your own class to any button style for better customizing
- IMPROVED Display Logic settings – added the ability to select multiple user roles for one condition
- IMPROVED "Back to Top" button – added the option to change the icon
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when Post Date with the "Time Difference" format did not take into account the Timezone setting
- FIXED issue when manually selected items show posts with the "Draft" status in the "Grid / Listing" settings
- FIXED bug when some Google fonts are not showing in the Typography settings
- FIXED bug when the Contact Form date picker is not showing inside a popup
- FIXED appearance of responsive settings in the Separator element
- FIXED shop tables (woocommerce) appearance on small screens
- FIXED bug when links with the "#" are always close the popup
- FIXED translation of the Custom HTML element via WPML
- FIXED compatibility issues with PHP versions 8.1 and 8.2
- FIXED several accessibility issues for screen-readers
- FIXED updating the theme and addons with WP CLI
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.16 — May 2, 2023 #
- ADDED ability to customize the Products Search Results page independently from the Shop page
- IMPROVED Live Builder:
- added Navigator panel, which allows one to see and manage elements' structure
- improved preview of dynamic elements when editing a Page Template
- IMPROVED GDPR Compliance option:
- now the privacy block is also shown for the Video Player element with 3rd-parties videos (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.)
- added the 'us_show_privacy_block' PHP filter for developers
- IMPROVED "Posts page" editing – now you can edit the page itself, which is set in Settings > Reading (instead of using the extra option in Theme Options)
- IMPROVED Grid Filter – added the "numeric" input mode for the "Number Range" type (forces a numpad keyboard on mobile devices)
- IMPROVED Grid "Gap between items" option – now it is applied via CSS var and generates less CSS code for every Grid element
- IMPROVED WPML support – added the ability to edit "Page Layout" settings on pages with non-default languages
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED incorrect colors for Simple Menu element, when it's shown via Reusable Block inside a header Menu
- FIXED incorrect work of the Page Scroller on pages with Popups with Reusable Blocks inside
- FIXED work of the "Accepted file types" option of the "Upload File" field in the Contact Form
- FIXED issue when a mobile menu didn't close on clicking on links inside Reusable Block
- FIXED non-valid combination of HTML tags inside the Post Custom Field element
- FIXED bug when the Grid "No results" block ignores "Design > Hide on" settings
- FIXED incorrect appearance of the Video Player with the "Initial" aspect ratio
- FIXED case when Demo Import doesn't work with WordPress proxy settings
- FIXED work of the {{the_title}} dynamic value inside Grid Layout elements
- FIXED bug when Grid with Upsells doesn't show the "No results" block
- FIXED work of Uploaded Fonts with incorrect names
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.15.1 — March 27, 2023 #
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- FIXED bug when Page Layout settings (Header, Sidebar) are not saved correctly after the update to Impreza 8.15
- FIXED work of Grids with built-in filter inside Page Templates after the update to Impreza 8.15
- FIXED incorrect image sizing inside Post Image element after the update to Impreza 8.15
Version 8.15 — March 21, 2023 #
- ADDED new ability to assign a Grid element for filtering by Grid Filter. If earlier only the first Grid on a page was available for filtering, now you can set any other and even several Grids for one Grid Filter. Read more about how the Grid Filter element works
- ADDED new built-in GDPR Compliance option, which allows blocking the loading of third-party script files for the Map element until a site visitor gives his consent. Check the example
- IMPROVED Video Player element:
- added Autoplay, Mute, Loop, and Controls options for all video sources (YouTube, Vimeo, media file), check examples
- added a predefined "9:16" aspect ratio, which can be used for YouTube Shorts
- added ability to set a custom aspect ratio
- IMPROVED Accessibility support:
- now header menu dropdowns with Reusable Blocks are not closed while navigating their links via the TAB key
- now the Dropdown element can be closed via the ESC key
- IMPROVED Database handling: now the theme doesn't save default and empty values into the "wp_postmeta" table. This can greatly reduce the database size of a website with a large number of pages. Only new and updated posts/pages/CPTs will take effect
- IMPROVED Image, Post Image, Post Custom Field elements – added option to disable lazy loading, which is useful for images that are in the first visible viewport to improve performance
- IMPROVED Vertical Wrapper element – added the "Justify" value for the Vertical Alignment option
- IMPROVED Display Logic settings – now you can select minutes by 1 (instead of 5)
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when Post Image element shows a placeholder instead of Featured Image for Events of The Events Calendar
- FIXED bug when Post Author element shows incorrect author name when using the "USP Pro" plugin
- FIXED bug when the Row > Shape Divider > Flip horizontally option isn't working in some cases
- FIXED cases when the built-in "Auto Optimize" generates extra styles from non-used assets
- FIXED bug when Grid with the "Opens a post in a pop-up" didn't show ajax loaded posts
- FIXED compatibility of the Cart Table element with 3rd-party plugins for WooCommerce
- FIXED case when the "HTML" element shows an incorrect code while editing a header
- FIXED bug when breadcrumbs are not working on Events of The Events Calendar
- FIXED work of Design > Animation settings for Tabs Section
- FIXED Google Maps error in a browser console
- FIXED some minor styling issues
Version 8.14 — February 7, 2023 #
- ADDED new ability to use Section Templates via Live Buidler. Now you can easily create website pages from scratch using pre-built categorized templates, check the screencast
- IMPROVED Live Builder:
- added preview for the Post Taxonomy element when editing a Page Template
- fixed incorrect preview of some elements when changing its settings
- now elements aren't selected automatically after drag&drop
- fixed preview of the Grid element with no results
- fixed preview of the "Masonry" Grid element
- IMPROVED Grid Layout templates:
- added the "Image Gallery (cropped)" template
- added "Testimonial 7" and "Testimonial 8" templates
- IMPROVED Image Slider element:
- now the "Thumbnails" additional navigation is shown out of the slider viewport, this doesn't reduce the scale of slide images
- now images are shown correctly if you set the element height in Design > Sizes
- IMPROVED Grid / Listing and Carousel elements – now their default breakpoints in the "Responsive" tab are bound to global values from Theme Options > Site Layout
- IMPROVED Design settings – added the "Overflow" option to change the CSS property of desired elements
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED issue when the Borlabs cookie plugin doesn't block videos inside Page Templates or Reusable Blocks
- FIXED issue when the [product_page] shortcode was included in the "extra WPBakery features" option
- FIXED bug when Video Player with the Image Overlay doesn't play the video file after the first click
- FIXED bug when Grid Filter doesn't take into account the "Show past events" option for Events
- FIXED work of appearance animation in Grid Layout elements after applying the Grid Filter
- FIXED accessibility issue of the Popup element when its trigger doesn't have a text
- FIXED appearance of Post Custom Field labels when editing a Grid Layout
- FIXED work of the Grid Filter element when its items have the "0" value
- FIXED work of Page Scroller dots on screens wider than 2000px
- FIXED accessibility issue of Carousel prev/next arrows
- FIXED appearance of some Shape Dividers in Safari
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.13.4 — January 9, 2023 #
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- FIXED case when SVG images ignore the "Image Size" option value after the update to Impreza 8.13
- FIXED appearance of the Post Custom Field with ACF Repeater value as a table on small screens
- FIXED work of some ACF fields added manually in the Display Logic settings
- FIXED styling of a "success" message in the Contact Form element
Version 8.13 — December 21, 2022 #
- ADDED ability to override the Site Content Width within a Row/Section element. This allows creating more flexible and stylish page layout without custom coding
- ADDED ability to show a page title in different locations via {{the_title}} shorthand. Check where it's possible to use
- IMPROVED Live Builder:
- added ability to edit the Contact Form 7 element
- added "Edit Header" and "Edit Footer" links in the preview area when hovering over a header or a footer
- improved appearance of Post Custom Field elements when editing a Page Template or a Reusable Block
- improved appearance of empty elements in the preview area (like Grids with no results)
- fixed incorrect IconBox preview when changing its settings
- removed an extra spinner on page load to improve UX
- IMPROVED Grid Layout builder – added option to set an extra CSS class name (which will be added to every "w-grid" with the relevant grid layout)
- IMPROVED Links inside Popups – now the link starting with the "#" always closes the Popup. This makes it easy to use custom "Close" buttons
- IMPROVED Image element – now "Phone" image styles take into account Max Width and Max Height values from the Image > Design settings
- IMPROVED Shape Divider – changed the default height to "15vmin" instead of "15vh". This improves the shape's appearance on mobiles
- IMPROVED Post Custom Field element – added support of <sub>, <sup> HTML tags in "Text before value" and "Text after value" fields
- IMPROVED Display Logic – now the "Page URL" is compared with the full URL in the browser's address bar (including query strings)
- IMPROVED Separator element – increased the height of S, M, L, and XL on small screens to improve the visual style
- IMPROVED Row / Inner Row element – moved the "Disable this Row" option to the Display Logic tab for better UX
- IMPROVED Map element – added ability to select ACF "Text" fields as an address (or coordinates)
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- UPDATED Material icons
- FIXED incorrect appearance of background images with the "background-attachment: fixed" on iPhones and iPads
- FIXED issue when a product image is clickable even if the "Product gallery > Allow full-screen view" is disabled
- FIXED incorrect appearance of Image element with the specified Max Height value in its Design settings
- FIXED bug when a Shape Divider in a Row with a background video (or a slider) is not showing in Safari
- FIXED incorrect definition of ACF field values in some cases including the Display Logic settings
- FIXED bug when hidden Header elements are showing on page loading on small screens
- FIXED bug when the Custom HTML element doesn't show its code in the Live Builder
- FIXED appearance of full-width buttons inside Horizontal/Vertical Wrappers
- FIXED bug when Grid Filter scrolls a page with "Masonry" Grid to the top
- FIXED errors after Demo Import on PHP 8.0 in some cases
- FIXED translation of the Text Block content via WPML
- FIXED work of Accordions inside a Grid item content
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.12 — November 3, 2022 #
- ADDED new Drag & Drop mechanic for the Live Builder – now it's easier and more comfortable to move/place all elements while building a page.
- IMPROVED Grid Layout Templates (view all templates):
- now Blog templates are divided into 3 groups: "single column", "several columns" and "without images"
- added 4 new Blog templates and one new Shop template
- old Blog templates are updated to a modern look
- fixed issues with colors and image sizes in all templates
- IMPROVED Display Logic usage:
- now all conditions are working for elements inside Grids (Horizontal Wrapper and Vertical Wrapper)
- Custom Field comparison operators "Includes / Excludes" are changed to more correct "Equal / Not Equal / Less than / Greater than"
- Custom Field comparison now takes into account the "Return format" of ACF fields
- Custom Field comparison now works correctly with values with comma
- IMPROVED Popup element (check examples):
- added Close Button Position option – now you can place the "Close" cross inside a popup
- added Close Button Color option
- IMPROVED Mobile Menu usage – now the "w-nav-open" class is added to the <html> tag when the mobile menu is opened. This helps with customizations.
- IMPROVED Lists of Headers, Page Templates, Reusable Blocks, Grid Layouts – now they didn't show posts with "Pending Review" and "Draft" statuses
- IMPROVED Live Builder – now it's possible to Disable Row / Inner Row elements. This option was always available in WPBakery by default.
- IMPROVED Grid Filter element – now after applying filter values it scrolls the page to the relevant Grid when it is out of the screen
- IMPROVED Horizontal Wrapper element – added the "Stretch" value to the Vertical Alignment option
- IMPROVED admin bar – turned back the Edit Page dropdown with relevant links to improve UX
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED Mobile Menu issue when a click on a menu item which opens sub-items causes a page scrolling
- FIXED issue when WooCommerce-related images sizes aren't shown in the "Image Size" option
- FIXED incorrect format of ACF "Date picker" values when using via {{field}} shortcodes
- FIXED bug when Design > Box Shadow settings aren't working in some cases
- FIXED preview of the Column "Background Overlay" option in the Live Builder
- FIXED issue when the "FAQpage" schema is added to paginated archives
- FIXED incorrect work of Grids showing Events from The Events Calendar
- FIXED issue when the Page Scroller takes into account hidden Rows
- FIXED issues with WPBakery version 6.10.0
- FIXED several WPML compatibility issues
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.11.2 — October 6, 2022 #
- FIXED case when the site header with a non-default "Initial Header Position" stopped being sticky
- FIXED work of the "Show past events" option in the Grid showing Events of The Events Calendar
- FIXED "addEventListener is not a function" compatibility issue with some plugins
- FIXED visual issues of default pages of The Events Calendar plugin
- FIXED work of {{custom_field}} shortcodes on taxonomy pages
- FIXED incorrect rendering of shortcodes in the Live Builder
Version 8.11 — September 23, 2022 #
- ADDED ability to change the Button Alignment for different screen sizes. For example, now you can set the Default alignment on desktops and laptops, the Center alignment on Tablets, and the Full-width alignment on Mobiles
- ADDED Loco Translate support – now all theme-related strings are available for translation in the admin area
- IMPROVED names of Impreza post types to improve users' experience:
- Page Blocks were renamed to Reusable Blocks
- Content templates were renamed to Page Templates
- Grid was renamed to Grid / Listing
- IMPROVED WooCommerce-related builder elements:
- now default Cart, Checkout, and My Account elements show the description to improve users' experience
- improved names of some elements for a better understanding of their purpose. Example: "Cart - Totals" -> "Cart Page - Totals", "Notices Box" -> "Shop Notices Box", etc.
- now an element won't show in the "Add Element" list if it's not possible to use it on that page. For example, when you edit the Cart Page, you can't add elements like "Checkout Page - Payment", "My Account Page - Login", "Product data", etc.
- IMPROVED Display Logic settings:
- added the Page URL comparison
- added a dropdown with existing supported ACF fields in the Custom Field comparison
- added support of the "Options" page values in the Custom Field comparison
- IMPROVED Login element:
- "Username" label changed to "Username or Email Address"
- "Lost your password?" link moved to a row with the submit button
- IMPROVED Popup element – added ability to change the Button Alignment for different screen sizes. Also, it's possible to stretch the trigger button to the full container width
- IMPROVED Button Styles usage – now when the used Button Style was deleted, a button will show the first existing Button Style instead of gray unstyled rectangular
- IMPROVED admin bar on the Shop Page – now it has the "Edit Page" (or the "Edit Live") item with relevant links for editing
- IMPROVED Contact Form element – added ability to change Submit Button Alignment for different screen sizes
- IMPROVED Social Links element – added option to stretch icon shapes to the full container width
- IMPROVED Sharing Buttons element – added ability to justify buttons to the full container width
- IMPROVED Grid Filter element – added option to show filter items as toggles (like an accordion)
- IMPROVED Gravity Forms support – now it's possible to edit a form element with the Live Builder
- IMPROVED Video Player element – now it's possible to show a video via a link to a video file
- IMPROVED Design Settings > Extra class option – now it supports dynamic values
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED incorrect comparison of Display Logic > Date and Time value, when a timezone is specified
- FIXED incorrect work of the default WooCommerce filter widget with the Grid showing Products
- FIXED bug when a full-width Button is not stretched inside a Horizontal/Vertical Wrapper
- FIXED bug when Button Alignment is not working inside a Page Block of a header menu
- FIXED bug when values with double quotes are not working in the Live Builder preview
- FIXED incorrect marker address in the Map element with the ACF "Google map" type
- FIXED bug when the Link option is not showing in the Post Custom Field element
- FIXED work of the Page Block selected for no results in the Grid showing Upsells
- FIXED cases when the Product data element is not editable in the Live Builder
- FIXED bug when "woff2" font files are not uploaded to the Media library
- FIXED work of Design settings of elements on the "Posts page"
- FIXED accessibility issue with the "aria-expanded" attribute
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.10 — August 20, 2022 #
- ADDED ability to customize the WooCommerce "Order Received" page via WPBakery and Live builder:
- added Theme Options > Shop > Orders settings, where you can select a Content template, which will be applied to the "Checkout → Order received" page
- added the new Order details builder element, it's available when editing Content templates
- ADDED ability to customize the WooCommerce "My Account" page via WPBakery and Live builder:
- added 3 new builder elements: My Account - Login, My Account - Menu, My Account - Content
- added new Display Logic settings: Account endpoints comparison
- IMPROVED ACF support – added support of Repeater and Flexible Content field types in the Post Custom Field element. Check which ACF field types are supported by theme elements in the updated article
- IMPROVED Display Logic settings:
- added Day of the week, Day of the month, Day of the year, Month comparisons
- added Account endpoints comparison
- added Cart Total comparison
- IMPROVED Post Taxonomy element – added the term slug class to easily customize term names separately. Example: .w-post-elm .term-red { color: red }
- IMPROVED Grid element – added the term slug class to easily customize the Grid showing terms. Example: .w-grid-item.term-red { color: red }
- IMPROVED Germanized support – now it's working correctly with custom Product, Cart, and Checkout pages
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED performance issues that may cause the "Does not use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance" error
- FIXED bug when a custom CSS isn't working on the Search Results page with a Content template
- FIXED bug when the Inner Row with animation isn't showing in the Live Builder preview
- FIXED case when header elements aren't displayed on mobiles with the AMP enabled
- FIXED incorrect title on Author archive pages with the "PublishPress Authors" plugin
- FIXED work of the Grid showing manually selected terms with the "Random" order
- FIXED bug when the Video Player isn't compatible with WP Rocket LazyLoad
- FIXED bug when the Video Player video isn't blocking by Borlabs Cookie
- FIXED bug when the mobile menu dropdown causes a horizontal scroll
- FIXED work of Grid order by custom fields with floating point numbers
- FIXED display of a date picker in Gravity Forms inside popups
- FIXED work of the FileBird plugin inside the Live Builder
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.9 — July 26, 2022 #
- ADDED new pre-built demo websites. You can copy their favorite sections via the side panel or import the demo data on the Demo Import admin page:
- ADDED ability to set Header Transparency within a Content Template. Now it's very easy to manage templates like this or this
- IMPROVED ACF support – now all supported field types also support values from terms custom fields and from the ACF Options Page. Check which ACF field types are supported by theme elements in the updated article
- IMPROVED Grid element – added the term ID class to easily customize the Grid showing terms. Example: .w-grid-item.term-123 { color: red }
- IMPROVED Social Links element – added support of dynamic values for its links. Check how to use dynamic values
- IMPROVED Impreza websites security:
- cookie consent feature validation
- browser and user data validation
- hidden directories detection
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED incorrect appearance of some WooCommerce buttons on hover, when the "Underlining Links" option is enabled
- FIXED bug when Undo (Ctrl + Z) actions inside the Page Custom CSS of Live Builder also apply to the builder preview
- FIXED incorrect appearance of some buttons after deleting the first button style in Theme Options > Button Styles
- FIXED bug when the Column Stacking Width option isn't applied to columns with specific responsive options
- FIXED bug when the product variation doesn't change the price when the Germanized plugin is enabled
- FIXED bug when Grid without results on the Search Results page doesn't show the default message
- FIXED bug when the gallery on the product with different variations doesn't switch variation images
- FIXED Tabs appearance in the AMP version of a page – now tabs are always shown as Accordion
- FIXED bug when the Page Custom CSS isn't working after update from the old Impreza versions
- FIXED bug when it's not possible to drag the Accordion element inside the Live Builder preview
- FIXED case when the "Delete unused image thumbnails" option removes original images
- FIXED case when Design > Box Shadow options aren't working with floating point values
- FIXED bug when the Contact Form element gets incorrect Page Title for a sending email
- FIXED work of the ACF Post Object field showing by the Grid inside a Content template
- FIXED bug when the Page Scroller element counts rows from the Grid element
- FIXED interface issue with the "Custom appearance in Grid: Images" control
- FIXED work of the "Move title on focus" option in the Contact Form element
- FIXED bug when the Dropdown element scrolls to the top after clicking
- FIXED cases of incorrect scrolling position on pages with Sticky Rows
- FIXED smooth scrolling for a link from the Interactive Banner element
- FIXED bug when Tabs couldn't switch inside the Live Builder preview
- FIXED the unique ID issue with several Search elements on a page
- FIXED interface of the Shape Divider Height option for Live Builder
- FIXED work of the "text-transform" option inside the Tabs element
- FIXED an empty "font-weight:" property of the "body" element
- FIXED the Grid Filter text alignment in some layouts
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.8.2 — June 13, 2022 #
- FIXED bug when custom link in sections of Tabs, Vertical Tabs elements isn't working after updating to the version 8.8
- FIXED incorrect behavior of the "hamburger" menu in a Header after updating to version 8.8
Version 8.8.1 — June 8, 2022 #
- FIXED bug when several Contact Forms on a page aren't working after updating to the version 8.8
- FIXED bug when the Search element in a Header isn't working after updating to version 8.8
- FIXED incorrect preview of the Text Block editing in a Live Builder
Version 8.8 — June 7, 2022 #
- ADDED new pre-built demo websites. You can copy their favorite sections via the side panel or import the demo data on the Demo Import admin page:
- ADDED ability to set Header and Footer to pages with a specific taxonomy. Go to edit any taxonomy term and see the relevant options
- IMPROVED Contact Form element and its sending messages:
- added "Upload File" fields – now it's possible to attach files to sending messages. Also, you can set the Accepted file types and the File size limit.
- added the "BCC Email" option – now it's possible to set emails for a blind copy
- added ability to use HTML tags in the "Message after sending" field
- now the website name is showing in the "From:" value (instead of the default "WordPress" word)
- now the default email subject shows the page from which the form was submitted
- now the email content shows a link to the page from which the form was submitted
- now the email content shows a list of fields in the same order as in the Contact Form settings, and empty values are displayed as a hyphen
- IMPROVED Post Custom Field element:
- now the "Show" field includes fields from the ACF Options Page
- now the "Show" field doesn't include unsupported field types
- added smooth scroll for links with the #
- IMPROVED Post Date element – added the "Time Difference" format, which shows dates as "mins/hours/days/weeks/months/years ago"
- IMPROVED HTML of elements with links – removed the "javascript:void" in anchors to avoid "Links are not crawlable" SEO issues
- IMPROVED ACF support – added ability to use values from the ACF Options Page via the {{option|field_name}} shortcodes
- IMPROVED Links settings – added the "Clickable value (email, phone, website)". Learn how it works
- IMPROVED Person element – added the "Open link in a new tab" option for a custom link
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when the "Auto Optimize" button doesn't activate the "Vertical Parallax" and "Animation" checkboxes in some cases
- FIXED work of the "Gap" option (in the Row > Columns) with enabled "Add extra padding around columns content" option
- FIXED conflict of Checkout theme elements with some "Accounts & Privacy" settings of WooCommerce
- FIXED "Uncaught TypeError: $us.header.on is not a function" error on pages without a header
- FIXED bug when the Text Shadow values enable an empty "box-shadow" on the frontend
- FIXED bug when the Image Slider shows an extra image with enabled Imagify plugin
- FIXED bug when a background video overflows the Row with border-radius in Safari
- FIXED work of the Checkout Payment element if it is added via Content template
- FIXED incorrect position of a marker with negative coordinates in the OSM Map
- FIXED bug when the Post Image with enabled gallery shows an empty image
- FIXED bug when elements inside a hidden Wrapper are showing in Header
- FIXED issue when the Grid Filter overloads a server with database queries
- FIXED bug when a Text Block creates extra lines in Live Builder preview
- FIXED case when the Page Custom CSS is duplicated on the frontend
- FIXED bug in Sharing Buttons when the selected text isn't sharing
- FIXED bug when the Video Player doesn't hide a Vimeo title
- FIXED work of the Display Logic settings in Headers
- FIXED compatibility issues with the bbPress plugin
- FIXED compatibility issues with the WPML plugin
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.7 — April 7, 2022 #
- ADDED new pre-built demo websites. You can copy their favorite sections via the side panel or import the demo data on the Demo Import admin page:
- ADDED new Design > Text Shadow settings for all theme elements. Example 1, example 2, example 3.
- IMPROVED Display Logic settings – now they are also available for the following elements:
- Inner Row
- Text Block
- Vertical Wrapper
- Horizontal Wrapper
- IMPROVED Button Styles:
- added ability to fully customize buttons shadow. This allows the creation of new uncommon styles
- added ability to apply different border-radius to different corners
- IMPROVED Columns settings:
- added ability to ignore the "Columns Stacking Width" global option in Row/Inner Row elements. This provides more control of columns' responsive behavior on Tablets screens
- now devices breakpoints in the WPBakery Responsive Options are related to global breakpoint values, which are set in Theme Options > Site Layout
- IMPROVED Text element:
- IMPROVED Carousel element – added "Next Item Offset" option, which allows showing part of the next item. This improves users' experience, especially on small screens. Check the example
- IMPROVED Grid Layout settings – added "Image Size" option. Now it's possible to change the file size of Grid items' background images to improve pages loading speed
- IMPROVED Typography global settings – added "Text Transform" option, now it's possible to apply "capitalize" and "lowercase" to all headings globally
- IMPROVED Post Title element – added option to show the number of posts in the current term, which is useful in Grids with Product Categories
- IMPROVED Grid with Terms – added CSS class with term ID to every grid item, this helps to customize items separately
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED case when IconBox has the default "max-width: 25rem", which decreases its customization via Design settings
- FIXED case when extra SVGs are rendered after <body> tag, even if the Block Editor is disabled
- FIXED bug when Post Custom Field element doesn't show a value on WPML translated page
- FIXED issue when custom Button Style isn't applying to Contact Form 7 submit buttons
- FIXED incorrect appearance of the Maintenance Page header with Yoast plugin
- FIXED conflict with dhvc form and WPBakery Pageable Container element
- FIXED case when custom database prefixes break the "Used In" feature
- FIXED bug when the Element ID isn't working for Custom HTML element
- FIXED bug when stretched columns aren't stacking properly on mobiles
- FIXED PHP error in the Map element with empty marker text
- FIXED bug when Chart element isn't working in popups
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.6.1 — March 15, 2022 #
- FIXED bug when it's not possible to install the UpSolution Core plugin on the Addons page
Version 8.6 — March 11, 2022 #
- ADDED new premium addons (available for free with Impreza):
- WooCommerce Multi Currency - allows your customers to switch between currencies.
- WooCommerce Bulk Editor - manage shop products in the robust and flexible way.
- WooCommerce Multi Currency - allows your customers to switch between currencies.
- ADDED new pre-built demo websites. You can copy their favorite sections via the side panel or import the demo data on the Demo Import admin page:
- ADDED new Display Logic settings – now it's possible to display any Row/Section depending on:
- Date and Time,
- Post Type (portfolio, products, etc.),
- Post ID (specific posts/pages),
- Taxonomy Term (specific terms of specific taxonomy),
- User Role (administrator, editor, visitor, etc.),
- User State (logged in or not),
- Cart State (empty or not),
- Custom Field (specific value);
- ... and combine the above parameters via each other. Check the documentation.
- IMPROVED Background Video in Row/Section element – added ability to NOT render the video on mobile devices (including tablets), if you set the "0" value. This helps to improve page loading speed on mobiles.
- IMPROVED Theme Options > Archives Layout – added "As in Pages" default value for Header and Footer settings
- IMPROVED Video Player element – added support of dynamic values via ACF "URL" field and other custom fields
- IMPROVED Counter element – added "Title Weight" and "Title Indent" settings
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED icon selector behavior, when the "Enter icon name from the list" link directs to the Font Awesome version 6 instead of 5
- FIXED bug when a hidden background video in a Row/Section to be displayed for a short time on page load
- FIXED work of the "Checkout - Order Review" element with WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin
- FIXED case when Post Comments element doesn't follow WordPress Discussion settings
- FIXED bug when the Grid "Items Quantity" option isn't working with product attributes
- FIXED appearance of the "Cart - Product Table" element on RTL website
- FIXED output of extra inline styles for Block Editor with WordPress 5.9
- FIXED work of PayPal buttons in the "Checkout - Payment" element
- FIXED bug when the "Send Message" button loses shadow on click
- FIXED case with double quantity label in the Cart header element
- FIXED settings appearance of the Search element in Live Builder
- FIXED bug when Interactive Text causes PHP errors
- FIXED ability to update Revolution Slider
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.5.1 — February 2, 2022 #
- FIXED bug when Tabs doesn't show the element without content between HTML tags after update to version 8.5
- FIXED bug when Accordions can't be opened in the Live Builder preview after update to version 8.5
- FIXED bug when the default Checkout page doesn't show notifications after update to version 8.5
- FIXED bug when Page Custom CSS isn't working in Content Templates without WPBakery
- FIXED bug when the Text Block editor (TinyMCE) ignores custom settings in Live Builder
- FIXED issue when Trendy Tabs without sections shows a horizontal line
- FIXED case of fatal error with PHP 7.2 and below
Version 8.5 — February 1, 2022 #
- ADDED ability to customize Cart and Checkout pages via new theme elements. Use Live Builder (or WPBakery editor) to create custom layouts with a custom design. Check the documentation with examples.
- ADDED new demos. You can copy their favorite sections via the side panel or import the demo data on the Demo Import admin page:
- IMPROVED Live Builder:
- improved appearance of elements panels on hover in the builder preview
- fixed cases when it's not possible to click the Column, Inner Column, Inner Row, Horizontal Wrapper
- fixed case when it's not possible to click the element when it has a small width (< 75px)
- fixed bug when the Page Settings panel shows incorrect values for new pages
- fixed rare case when there is no ability to edit elements after builder loading
- fixed cases when some elements settings don't affect the builder preview
- fixed bug when Carousel is not editable after changing the "Show" option
- removed browser confirmation when deleting containers to improve UX
- fixed some ajax timeout errors after builder loading
- IMPROVED Grid Layout and Header builders – now it's possible to place Vertical Wrapper into another Vertical Wrapper (the same for Horizontal Wrappers)
- IMPROVED Menu header element – added "Align the first/last menu item to the header edge" option. Check what it does
- IMPROVED Button Styles UX – added the ability to sort the styles and delete the first "Default" button style
- IMPROVED Text and Image elements – added the "To a post" value for the link option
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED case when after using the "Delete unused image thumbnails" option some broken images still persist on the frontend
- FIXED bug when Post Custom Field with "Open original image in popup" opens a placeholder instead of the image
- FIXED case of the "Scroll events" asset – now it is always enabled after using "Auto Optimize"
- FIXED bug issues when Separator with full-width line makes huge horizontal scroll in Safari
- FIXED bug when "Show More/Show Less" isn't working in the Carousel with infinite looping
- FIXED bug when Grid doesn't show private post of another author via ACF Post Object
- FIXED bug when Tabs with the "Timeline" layout gains extra background on mobiles
- FIXED issue when Grid Filter is visually breaking with the "Justify" alignment
- FIXED bug when author's custom files aren't shown on author archive pages
- FIXED cases when Post Custom Field value has extra <br> and <p> tags
- FIXED bug when Row/Section copy not working with WPBakery 6.8
- FIXED bug when the Gravity Forms "price" field gains extra styles
- FIXED issue when Grid Filter items are overlapping each other
- FIXED work of the Sticky Section element of Ultimate Addons
- FIXED bug when Carousel goes out of the Stretched column
- FIXED work of the "Pageable Container" WPBakery element
- FIXED work of animation for the Custom Heading element
- FIXED bug when ACF PRO isn't updating within the theme
- FIXED cases with empty values of the "Used In" column
- FIXED several issues after using the demo import
- FIXED compatibility issues with PHP 8.1
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.4 — November 28, 2021 #
- ADDED new demos. You can copy their favorite sections via the side panel or import the demo data on the Demo Import admin page:
- ADDED new 6 styles for Tabs and Vertical Tabs elements
- ADDED ability to have "FAQpage" structured data markup for several pages. Now the markup is enabled via the Accordion option only
- IMPROVED Live Builder:
- added ability to copy Row/Section inside builder preview
- added ability to edit Grid on Search Results preview
- improved ability to click Row/Sections panel on hover
- fixed issue when Row/Section with the Columns "Custom" value crashes an empty column in the preview area
- fixed work of builder preview when WordPress is installed in a subdirectory
- fixed appearance of color picker with a gradient in elements settings
- fixed case when Contact Form changes aren't saved
- fixed ability to add more than one Inner Row
- IMPROVED WP Rocket support – now the "Delay JavaScript execution" option doesn't affect on theme JS files by default
- IMPROVED Grid with no results – now its Page Block can show the other Grid inside. Check the example
- IMPROVED Tabs element – added option to align tabs horizontally. Check examples
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED work of "Position" and "Border Style" in Design settings, when Mobiles value isn't overriding Desktops value
- FIXED bug when Text element inside a Page Block in header menu always has the "nowrap" value
- FIXED Button Style preview (in Theme Options) with an accident huge font-size value, e.g. 20em
- FIXED bug when "Design > Hide on" settings aren't working for Popup shown via a page load
- FIXED bug when Grid Filter with custom fields is empty on pages with Page Block in content
- FIXED bug in Grid with "Manually selected terms" when it's not possible to find some terms
- FIXED bug when not possible to scroll Popup content with Tabs or Accordions inside
- FIXED bug when animated elements in the first section aren't shown without scroll
- FIXED case when newly added Button is not shown after updating a page
- FIXED PHP errors when Post Custom Fields uses unsupported ACF types
- FIXED accessibility issue with Vertical Header on tablets and mobiles
- FIXED bug when Grid Filter isn't showing on the Search Results page
- FIXED bug when Headings have extra bottom margin on mobiles
- FIXED bug when SEO meta tags didn't apply for Shop page
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.3.5 — October 28, 2021 #
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- FIXED case when values set for Laptops/Tablets/Mobiles in any element Design settings are reset after saving
Version 8.3.2 — October 18, 2021 #
- ADDED Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin into Impreza addons – now you can install the PRO version for free
- FIXED work of Video preview in Post Image element after update to version 8.3
- FIXED incorrect Headings indents on small screens after update to version 8.3
- FIXED incorrect position of "stretched" columns with Vertical Header
- FIXED appearance of Gravity Forms submit button on small screens
- FIXED work of Shape Divider Height option in Live Builder
Version 8.3 — October 12, 2021 #
- ADDED ability to edit Page Blocks and Content Templates via Live Builder
- IMPROVED Live Builder:
- added Undo/Redo functionality via the buttons or hotkeys
(Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Shift + Z on Windows, Cmd +Z / Cmd + Shift + Z on Mac) - added visual indication for Page Custom CSS when it's not empty
- added Undo/Redo functionality via the buttons or hotkeys
- IMPROVED Typography settings – now all "Font Size" fields have free user input, so you can use CSS functions (calc, min, max, clamp) with any units to apply responsive behavior via a single value
- IMPROVED Tabs, Vertical Tabs elements – added option to set a screen width when tabs should transform to Accordion
- IMPROVED Post Custom Field element – added options to set HTML tag for "Text before value" and "Text after value"
- IMPROVED Grid element – added the ability to show a Page Block when a Grid doesn't have items
- IMPROVED Map element – added shortcodes support inside the Marker Text field
- UPDATED Font Awesome icons to version 5.15.4. Tripadvisor brand icon was replaced by a "plane" icon due to removing them from the icons set.
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- UPDATED Material icons
- FIXED bug when the OpenStreetMaps enables the Google Maps checkbox after clicking the "Auto Optimize" button
- FIXED bug when the "Hide this element if its value is empty" option isn't working for Images in Post Custom Field
- FIXED appearance of Gravity Forms fields, now they correspond to the "Theme Options > Fields Style" settings
- FIXED bug when values of ACF select, checkbox, radio fields are ignoring the specified "Return Format"
- FIXED bug when the Page Custom CSS added for Content Template is duplicated for each Page Block
- FIXED conflicts with some 3rd-party plugins on admin pages because of Font Awesome icons
- FIXED bug when Vertical Parallax isn't working in some pages with Content Template applied
- FIXED visibility of an extra checkbox inside Grid Filter dropdown when Gutenberg is enabled
- FIXED bug when Page Scroller takes into account rows/sections inside a Popup element
- FIXED bug when [audio] shortcode breaks all Video Player elements on the same page
- FIXED bug when a map is displayed even if the Map Custom Field address is empty
- FIXED appearance of Search in a Page Block which is located inside mobile menu
- FIXED work of the "Show items of selected taxonomies" option in Grid element
- FIXED bug when columns in Live Builder are not stacking properly sometimes
- FIXED bug when a Video Player element breaks video inside Slider Revolution
- FIXED bug when FileBird PRO plugin is not receiving updates notifications
- FIXED bug when smooth scroll to ID isn't working inside a Popup element
- FIXED bug when Text element doesn't support the <br> tag in Live Builder
- FIXED bug when Row Copy function not copying the background image
- FIXED bug when the Page Block CSS doesn't work on the home page
- FIXED editing of Custom HTML element with Live Builder
- FIXED work of Google Maps and FlipBox in inactive tabs
- FIXED bug when Tabs section shows the wrong title
- FIXED editing of Map Marker Text with Live Builder
- FIXED work of [lang] shortcode inside Link fields
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.2.1 — September 3, 2021 #
- FIXED bug when Video Player element shows only the last Youtube video
Version 8.2 — September 1, 2021 #
- ADDED support of custom fields in more theme elements
- IMPROVED Live Builder:
- Page Custom CSS is now working with the disabled WPBakery plugin
- increased builder loading speed on the first load
- IMPROVED Map element:
- added support of ACF Google Maps field
- Google Maps API key added in Theme Options is automatically registered for ACF
- added support of using custom fields like {{my_custom_field}} inside the Address field
- added support of using custom fields like {{my_custom_field}} inside the Marker Text field, including predefined {{address}}
- now marker info text styles are inherited from the Design settings
- IMPROVED Image element – added the "Phone 12 Flat" which imitates iPhone 12 mockup. Also, you can change its outline and background colors. Check the examples
- IMPROVED Portfolio, Testimonials editing – now by default they have the same permissions as Posts editing
- IMPROVED Post Custom Field element:
- added <span class="w-post-elm-value"> wrapper for the text value to improve customizations
- enabled empty element with "Hide this element if its value is empty" in Live Builder
- IMPROVED Person element – added options to change HTML tag and font-size of person's name
- IMPROVED Image, Text elements – added Hover settings like in other Grid Layout elements
- IMPROVED Tabs, Vertical Tabs elements – added Accordion related settings
- IMPROVED Search element – added option to search specific post types
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when enabled "Columns Layout via CSS grid" breaks a custom columns layout, which was set via WPBakery
- FIXED bug when custom columns layout applies to all responsive states instead of Desktops only
- FIXED bug when a custom link in Grid Layout doesn't disable the "Open link in a new tab" option
- FIXED bug when Grid Filter doesn't work on the Search Results page, if it follows after Grid
- FIXED Column background overlay position when the "Columns Layout via CSS grid" is off
- FIXED bug when empty Image element with description shows the current post content
- FIXED appearance of H2 Headings in Product tabs with default WooCommerce layout
- FIXED bug when Contact Form strips line breaks from the Text (multiple lines) field
- FIXED bug when Grid Filter dropdown falls under the Grid with rounded corners
- FIXED bug when "Gap between columns" isn't updating in Live Builder in Safari
- FIXED bug when the "Header Initial Position" isn't applied to the Laptops state
- FIXED bug when Play button stopped working in Video Player with an overlay
- FIXED bug when the "Additional gap" option of Row applies to Inner Row too
- FIXED Gap between items in Horizontal Wrapper with the "Right" alignment
- FIXED visibility of Gutenberg button in the backend WPBakery Page builder
- FIXED bug when Header empty cells are not hiding on some screen width
- FIXED conflict with the "WooCommerce Extra Product Options" plugin
- FIXED appearance of Tabs inside Tabs (via using inside Page Block)
- FIXED work of fullscreen mode of text editor in Live Builder in Safari
- FIXED bug when Mobile Menu with animation cuts menu dropdown
- FIXED bug when the "Edit Live" button appears on archive pages
- FIXED appearance of Sidebar on RTL websites on small screens
- FIXED bug when an empty element is too high in Live Builder
- FIXED bug when SVG image doesn't appear in Live Builder
- FIXED bug when a Vertical Header is not sticky on iPad
- FIXED bug when Mobile Menu cuts the Page Block
- FIXED bug when Social Links inline style is broken
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.1 — July 30, 2021 #
- IMPROVED Live Builder:
- added Page Settings panel, which allows changing the page title and "Page Layout", "Custom appearance in Grid", "SEO meta tags" settings. Now you can select the Header, Content template, Footer of your page and see the changes right away.
- added preview of the "Additional gap" option for the old columns layout
- added support of FileBird plugin
- improved "hamburger" menu appearance
- IMPROVED Header Builder:
- added the fourth responsive state "Laptops", which increases customization of your site header layout
- added Custom Breakpoint option, which allows using default global breakpoints from Theme Options > Site Layout
- IMPROVED WPBakery compatibility – turned back the Frontend Editor when Live Builder is disabled in Theme Options > Advanced
- IMPROVED Grid Layout Builder – added the ability to add an Image element for your grid layouts
- IMPROVED Gap between Columns option in new columns layout – added ability to use %
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED incorrect background appearance, when gradient and image are set in Design > Background
- FIXED work of "Stretch to the screen edge" option on mobiles for new columns layout
- FIXED appearance animation CSS classes to avoid conflict with 3rd party plugins
- FIXED bug when "Custom Columns Layout" option isn't applied on the frontend
- FIXED work of "Reverse order for columns stacking" for new columns layout
- FIXED bug when Grid Filter shows empty categories for On-sale products
- FIXED incorrect default alignment of Sharing Buttons with "Fixed" layout
- FIXED bug when Column Overlay appears under the background image
- FIXED bug when Popup settings were not opening in Header Builder
- FIXED bug when "Sticky Column Top Position" option was disabled
- FIXED bug when Popup scrolling causes page scrolling on mobiles
- FIXED incorrect indents of Tabs and Carousel inside Fullwidth Row
- FIXED the fields border preview in Theme Options > Fields Style
- FIXED bug when Maintenance Mode isn't working with WPML
- FIXED bug when Grid doesn't take Price Filter widget in AJAX
- FIXED styling of WooCommerce Products reviews pagination
- FIXED bug when Sidebar has an extra side indent on mobiles
- FIXED work of the "load more" button in Media Library
- FIXED bug when Menu ID isn't applied in Headers
- FIXED the "Fade" animation in Carousels
- FIXED incorrect position of empty Grids
- FIXED aria-label for "Back to top" link
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.0.5 — July 15, 2021 #
- FIXED bug when Popup element settings page isn't working in Header Builder
- FIXED bug when Gap between columns wasn't changing in the Live Editor
- FIXED bug when Google Fonts changed the appearance of umlauts
- FIXED bug when Page Block element shows ID instead of the name
- FIXED bug when {{us_attachment_link}} link stopped working
- FIXED bug when Inner Row lost its wpb_row CSS class
Version 8.0.4 — July 7, 2021 #
- FIXED bug when fonts merging isn't working with allow_url_fopen=off
- FIXED bug when Menu Page Block corrupts Header Initial Position
- FIXED bug when CSS isn't applied to shop page content elements
- FIXED bug when the stretched column isn't stacking on mobiles
- FIXED bug when content disappears in Live Editor with Yoast
- FIXED bug when Separator responsive height isn't working
- FIXED bug when fade animation is broken in Carousels
- FIXED bug when Wrapper can't be added to Inner Row
- FIXED bug when column animations aren't working
- FIXED bug when Sticky Column stopped working
- FIXED bug when Live Editor works for all users
- FIXED bug when Web-safe fonts aren't loading
Version 8.0.2 — July 2, 2021 #
- IMPROVED columns layout – added "Columns Layout via CSS grid" option, which allows to turn back the old columns layout to avoid issues with many customizations.
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED "Columns Stacking Width" option – now it works in both (old and new) columns layouts
- FIXED bug when Full Height Row resets the Vertical Alignment after page update
- FIXED bug when single quotes in French translation break color pickers
- FIXED bug when isn't possible to change/save White Label options
- FIXED bug when Page Scroller shows a JS error in console
- FIXED error related to the "mb_strtolower" usage
- FIXED work of Popup element in Header Builder
- FIXED work of background image in FlipBox
- FIXED work of fonts with numeric names
Version 8.0.1 — June 30, 2021 #
- FIXED Columns layout – new Row > Columns settings are disabled in WPBakery builder and will work via Live Builder only
- FIXED bug when "Gap between columns" doesn't affect columns with background
- FIXED bug when control sliders in Theme Options ignored custom values
- FIXED bug when Page Layout > Header settings don't save the changes
- FIXED appearance of Sidebars after update to 8.0
Version 8.0 — June 29, 2021 #
- ADDED NEW Live Builder:
- available for every single page via the green "Edit Live" button/link
- allows you to create and edit your pages on the frontend. What you see is what you get, this should save you a lot of time!
- has the ability to paste Row/Section from any demo and see the live result
- has Responsive view with 4 states with live preview
- has Page Custom CSS field with live preview
- fully compatible with WPBakery Page Builder, it's possible to edit any page via both builders
- it's possible to disable WPBakery Page Builder and use the Live Builder only
- it's possible to disable Live Builder on Theme Options > Advanced > Theme Modules
- ADDED NEW Row/Columns layout system based on CSS grid, which allows:
- create custom columns layout via powerful "grid-template-columns" CSS property
- build responsive layouts more quickly
- set an accurate gap between columns
- ADDED ability to disable the Gutenberg (block editor) via Theme Options > Advanced
- IMPROVED Design settings for all elements:
- added the fourth responsive state "Laptops" for all settings. You can change the Laptops screen width in Theme Options > Site Layout.
- added ability to set appearance animation via Design > Animation
- added ability to hide every element on responsive states via Design > "Hide on" settings
- added ability to Copy/Paste settings between the elements
- IMPROVED Row height settings:
- added ability to set the Full Height Row regardless of its vertical indents
- the "Default" value of Vertical Indents immediately shows the value set in Theme Options
- IMPROVED Alignment options – added the "Default" value, which means the "Left" on LTR languages and the "Right" on RTL languages
- IMPROVED Accordion element – now if the "Title Size" option is empty, titles inherit the size from Typography > Headings settings
- IMPROVED admin pages UI colors to correspond to the WordPress color scheme
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when Polylang doesn't save Page Layout settings on the translated page
- FIXED SEO page structure with Grid Filter element – removed hardcoded <h5> tag
- FIXED bug when clicking on the mobile menu does not display sub-menu on AMP
- FIXED bug when Grid element hides out of stock products in REST API calls
- FIXED bug when Filter inside Grid element isn't working with numeric slugs
- FIXED incorrect rotating of custom Row Shape Divider at the top position
- FIXED bug when hidden products shown in Grid with Grid Order applied
- FIXED appearance of Header when the Shadow option is set as "None"
- FIXED bug when Full-Width Row causes horizontal scroll in Safari
- FIXED bug when Popup element breaks mobile menu in Safari
- FIXED bug when Maintenance Mode isn't working with WPML
- FIXED appearance of <img> custom Row Shape Divider
- FIXED bug when Google map scrolls a page into view
- FIXED incorrect appearance of Gravity Forms fields
- FIXED some minor bugs