Custom Post Types

Custom post types (CPT) help keep the site content well-structured. You can separate posts of different categories of thematics into separate post types.

WordPress offers a variety of default post types but also supports adding custom ones.

Zephyr has built-in custom post types: Portfolio and Testimonials.

Creating Custom Post Types #

You can create custom post types by using third-party plugins:

Both plugins are available for installation at Zephyr > Addons.

Using CPT with Zephyr #

Custom post types are included in the features and settings listed below:

  • Search element filters.
  • Theme Options > Pages Layout > Exclude from search results.
  • Theme Options > Pages Layout, layout settings for a custom post.
  • Theme Options > Archives, if custom post supports archives.
  • Grid and Carousel elements, Show settings.
  • Display Logic > Post Type.

Creating Custom Taxonomies #

Taxonomies are a tool to group posts based on a certain topic or other similarities called Terms. For example, Categories and Tags are default taxonomies added to Posts.

You can add custom taxonomies to any post with the third-party plugins from Zephyr > Addons:

Custom taxonomies are included in the features and settings listed below:

  • Grid elements (Grid, Carousel, Gallery, Term List, Product List), taxonomy filters, and taxonomy-based Show settings and conditions.
  • Grid Filter and Grid Order elements, taxonomy-based filters.
  • Theme Options > Archives Layout; if the original post type supports archives.
  • Display Logic.