
The Popup element is used to show a popup with a custom content, including Reusable Blocks. It is available in: 

  • Live Builder;
  • WPBakery Builder;
  • Header Builder.

Check Popup examples

How to open a popup by clicking a custom element #

  1. Add the FlipBox element, go to its Design settings and set the Element ID, for example, "flipbox1".
  2. Add the Popup element, in its Trigger settings, select Show Popup via Custom element, and set "#flipbox1".

How to open a popup by clicking a button inside another element #

  1. Add any element with a button (ActionBox, Pricing Table, etc). Specify a Link for its button, for example #open-popup-1
  2. Add a Popup element. In its Trigger settings, select Show Popup via Custom Element, and add the following value: a[href="#open-popup-1"]

How to show a popup for site visitors only once #

  1. Add a Popup element.
  2. In its Trigger settings, select the Show Popup via Page load.
  3. Activate the "Show to visitor only once" switch.
  4. Specify the Days until next show. Until then, it won't trigger again for the same visitor.

How to show a popup for a specific date #

  • Add a Popup element.
  • In its Trigger settings, select the Show Popup via Page Load.
  • In its Display Logic, choose if EVERY condition below is met.
  • Add Date/Time condition Since and specify the start date & time.
  • Add Date/Time condition Until and specify the end date & time.

For example, a popup for the sale that takes place on July 10 - July 12 will have "Sine July 10, 00:00" and "Until July 12, 23:59":

Cookie Notice #

Allows showing the notification about cookies usage to the site visitors.

This built-in cookie notice only shows a "consent" option for your website visitors. If you need more control over cookies/visitor agreements, use the appropriate plugins.

When turned on, you can specify the: 

  • Message — the content of the notification
  • Show link to the Privacy Policy page — allows showing the link to the Privacy Policy page, which you can set up in the Privacy Settings admin page
  • Position — defines if the Cookie Notice should appear at the top or the bottom of the screen.
  • Button Label — defines the text of the submit button.
  • Button Style — a dropdown defining the style of the submit button.