UpSolution Core
Updated 3 months ago
Zephyr itself doesn't have any functions except the output of WordPress basic pages. The main functionality is provided via the UpSolution Core plugin.
This is a requirement of Envato Market based on WordPress development practices.
The UpSolution Core plugin is bundled inside the theme directory as a ZIP. You don't need Zephyr license activation to install and use the plugin.
How to Install the Plugin? #
When you install Zephyr, you see the relevant yellow notification on all admin pages. Go to the Zephyr > Addons page to install and activate the UpSolution Core.
In case you want to install the UpSolution Core plugin manually, you need to download the file from the ThemeForest, then unzip it and you can find the needed file in the /Impreza/common/plugins/ directory.
UpSolution Core Changelog #
All versions match the relevant theme versions check in the Zephyr changelog. Only "patch" releases are shown below:
- 8.30.3
- fixed incorrect work of Carousel and Content Carousel on RTL sites after updating to version 8.30
- 8.30.2
- enabled the Favorite Sections functionality
- fixed the Carousel option "Slide by one item" not working when auto-rotation is enabled
- fixed bug when custom CSS of Reusable Blocks/Page Templates would be cleared when duplicated
- fixed PHP error when the Post List shows the ACF Post Object field
- 8.30.1
- fixed an issue when the Live Builder doesn't show the "paste" icon on elements after updating to version 8.30
- 8.28.1
- fixed inability to select fonts in Theme Options > Typography after updating to version 8.28
- 8.25.3
- fixed work of the Row video background for Vimeo videos with privacy settings
- 8.25.2
- fixed the Product List "load more" pagination after updating to version 8.25
- 8.25.1
- fixed a possible PHP fatal error after updating to version 8.25
- 8.24.3
- fixed an issue with slow page generation when a website has a huge amount of product attributes
- fixed possible fatal error with PHP versions below 7.4
- 8.23.3
fixed issue when the WPBakery Frontend Editor shows the "This page can not be edited with WPBakery since it is missing a WordPress default content area" message while editing a page
- 8.22.2
- fixed bug where multiple Vimeo background videos could not be played at the same time
- 8.22.1
- fixed a case when color pickers would not accept color values without "#" in version 8.22
- 8.21.1
- fixed bug when "class" and "style" of custom HTML tags were removed when editing a content in the text mode in version 8.21
- fixed bug when the Video Player element doesn't show the Overlay Image option when editing in the Grid Layout builder
- fixed rare case when the Row background video plays a sound in Firefox browser
- 8.20.4
- fixed inability to select a Google Font when the old value containes a font that was renamed
- fixed JavaScript "TypeError" in the Typography settings
- 8.20.3
- fixed incorrect editing of several theme elements
- fixed Theme Options page editing issue
- 8.20.2
- fixed inability to select a font in the Additional Google Fonts section of Theme Options
- fixed case with missing links in the Dropdown element
- 8.20.1
- added ability to use dynamic values in custom fields conditions of the Product List element
- fixed bug when color pickers didn't work in the WPBakery Page Builder
- 8.19.2
- fixed compatibility issues with the WPBakery Page Builder version 7.2
- fixed amount of images in the default WordPress Gallery element
- fixed rare issue with the Custom Layout of columns in a row
- 8.19.1
- fixed Image editing bug with the WPBakery editor
- 8.18.5
- fixed issue when WP Rocket would delay the inline theme script and break the header menu
- 8.18.4
- fixed bug when it's not possible to translate pages with the old link format via WPML
- 8.18.1
- fixed bug when some WPBakery elements options were not saved after updating to 8.18
- fixed rare case with PHP fatal error when updating to 8.18
- fixed color picker UI bug in new Typography settings
- 8.16.2
- fixed "E_ERROR" issue that can show up in PHP logs in version 8.16
- 8.16.1
- fixed PHP notice, which can prevent updating to version 8.16
- 8.14.1
- fixed PHP error in the Grid with posts, which could be fatal in rare cases after update to 8.14
- 8.13.5
- fixed bug when the Grid "Gap between Items" option doesn't support values with "%"
- 8.13.3
- fixed cases when the Post Custom Field doesn't show a value of WordPress custom fields after update to 8.13
- 8.13.2
- disabled the extra "classic-theme-styles" CSS file from WordPress when the Block Editor is disabled
- fixed cases when the Post Custom Field doesn't show its value in search results after update to 8.13
- 8.13.1
- fixed work of the Custom CSS field in Theme Options after updating to 8.13
- 8.12.2
- fixed work of Design settings in the Live Builder after updating to 8.12
- 8.12.1
- fixed work of {{field_name}} shortcodes used in Grid elements
- fixed work of the "Post Format" taxonomy in the Grid Filter
- fixed work of "Undo / Redo" in the Live Builder
- 8.11.3
- fixed bug when some Grids don't show items if "The Events Calendar" is enabled
- 8.11.1
- fixed work of the Video Player with ACF links after update to 8.11
- 8.10.2
- fixed PHP error with WooCommerce version 6.9.0
- 8.10.1
- fixed inability to save Row elements in WPBakery Builder
- fixed the Post Custom Field element for Testimonials
- 8.9.3
fixed fatal error with PHP version 7.2 and below
- 8.9.2
fixed work of ACF "email", "url", and "page link" field types in the Link option
- 8.9.1
fixed compatibility with the Zephyr theme
- 8.7.1
fixed bug when the Grid Filter breaks the Menu header element in WordPress 6.0
- 8.5.3
- fixed bug when Grid showing Terms of Taxonomy always displays child terms
- fixed appearance of a transparent header if Maintenance Mode is ON
- 8.5.2
fixed bug when update 8.5.1 causes PHP errors if the Live Builder is inactive
- 8.4.1
- fixed bug when Post Custom Field with "Custom appearance in Grid: Images" shows the text instead of image
- fixed incorrect gap between two Grids after update to 8.4
- 8.3.4
fixed bug when background-image set in the Design settings isn't showing on the front-end in some cases
- 8.3.3
fixed issue when Design values set for "Mobiles" aren't overriding "Desktops" values
- fixed rear case when website header is displayed incorrectly after update to 8.3.2
- 8.3.1
- fixed PHP error on servers with PHP below 7.3
- 8.1.1
- fixed PHP errors on servers with PHP below 7.2
- 8.0.3
- fixed Inner Row design settings
- 7.14.1
- fixed work of Image upload control after update to 7.14
- 7.11.1
- fixed work of the Link option in the Person element after update to 7.11
- 7.8.3
- fixed cropped images in the "Image Gallery" grid layout template after update to 7.8.2
- 7.8.1
- added "Override color globally" option to avoid issues with Headings color after update to 7.8
- 7.5.2
- fixed bug when disabled checkboxes were not saved after using the "Auto Optimize"
- 7.5.1
- fixed PHP Warning cannot redeclare us_is_asset_used()
- fixed PHP Warning cannot redeclare us_is_asset_used()
- 7.2.1
- fixed WPBakery Page Builder compatibility issue
- 7.1.2
- fixed issue when Column background has incorrect size and position after update to 7.*
- fixed rare fatal error when Shape Divider in Row uses custom SVG file
- 7.1.1
- fixed bug when Shape Divider in Row can't be removed after update to 7.1
- fixed Contact Form with "Horizontal" fields layout
- 7.0.2
- fixed work of Header and Grid Layout builders, and work of Design options for Titlebars
- 6.5.1
- fixed PHP warnings on Archives pages
- 6.4.1
- added option to disable the "Paste from demo" button
- 6.3.1
- fixed appearance of a sidebar, which is set for certain pages via the Page Layout box
- 6.2.2
- fixes and improvements for Zephyr 6.0 version
- 6.1.3
- fixed the "Extra class" option in Button shortcodes