Favorite Sections

Favorite Sections is a feature that allows you to save sections of content and use them across all your sites with Impreza.

At the moment, this feature is only available for the Live Builder and for customers who have 2 or more purchased licenses.

This feature is active by default when you update to Impreza version 8.30 or higher. You can turn it on/off at Theme Options > Advanced > Favorites.

How to Save Favorite Sections #

While editing the page with Live Builder, each Row/Section will have a heart icon.

When you click on this icon, a popup will appear allowing you to choose a name for this section and save it. Emojis can be used as part of the name for visual accents and associations.

Press the plus icon and click the Favorites tab to access the list of your sections.

The favorite sections are stored on our server and are bound to your profile at the Support Portal.

How to Remove Sections from Favorites #

Hover the mouse cursor over the section and press the recycle bin icon to remove it.

How to Reorder Favorite Sections #

Hover the mouse cursor over the reorder icon and drag the element to the needed position in the list.

How to Rename Favorite Sections #

This feature is not yet available. It will be added in future updates.

How to Use Favorite Sections #

Favorite Sections are automatically available for all sites activated in your profile.

Ensure you're using Impreza version 8.30 or higher.

Press the plus icon, open the Favorites tab, and drag and drop the section you need to the preview.

Usage Restrictions #

Custom sections you save as favorites WILL NOT save/synchronize:

  • Image files. Images from website Media library will not be saved in your favorites.
  • Custom Grid Layouts. If the section contains a custom Grid Layout, that Grid Layout content won't be saved in your favorites.
  • Reusable Blocks. If the section contains a Reusable Block, the Reusable Block content won't be saved in your favorites.

The Total Number of Favorite Sections #

The limit for the maximum number of favorite sections you can save depends on the number of purchased licenses on your account. Both licenses for the themes and support extension count.

The total number of favorite sections for: 

  • 2-5 license: 10 favorite sections
  • 6-25 licenses: 25 favorite sections
  • 26-50 licenses: 50 favorite sections
  • 51-100 licenses: 100 favorite sections
  • 100+ licenses: 200 favorite sections

Timeouts for Editing from Different Domains #

To prevent conflicts when simultaneously saving sections from different domains, the server has a 1-minute cooldown.

Example: When you save a section on the "site1", you (or someone else) needs to wait 1 minute to be able to save sections on the "site2".