Archives Customization

Archives are the lists of posts/pages grouped by a specific parameter. There are several types of archives in WordPress:

  • taxonomy term archives
  • post type archives
  • archives of a particular time period (year/month/day)
  • specific author archives

Archives Customization #

By default, archive pages use a pre-designed grid style for relevant items. This style is specified at Theme Options > Archives Layout > Archives > Page Template.

You can create a custom template for the archives at Templates > Page Templates.

To view relevant items, the archive Page Template should contain one list element set up to show items of the current query. You can use:

  • Post List, Grid, Carousel - with the "Show" set to "Posts of the current query."
  • Product List - with the "Show" set to "Products of the current query."

By default, a template specified for the Archives will also apply to taxonomy and author archives. You can change the default "As in archive" template to a custom one to apply different page templates for different archive types.

Shop Archives Customization #

The shop page, product category pages, and product attributes pages are archive pages.

Similar to regular archives, you can create and assign custom Page Templates for shop archives at Theme Options > Shop.

Multiple Archive Templates within a Single Taxonomy #

When editing the taxonomy term, you can use its Archives Layout > Page Template to specify a different template for this specific term. It allows using different archive templates for different terms within a single taxonomy.

The archives Page Template specified in the taxonomy term settings has higher priority and overrides the global one from Theme Options for this specific term.