List Filter

The List Filter element allows to filter items within "list" elements on the same page. It triggers the first found Post List (or Product List) element in the content area of the page (not in a header or footer).

The element is available within Live Builder and WPBakery builders.

Advantages compared to the Grid Filter element:

  • Allows filtering by:
    • Post Type
    • Post Author
    • Post Date (date of creation)
    • In stock products (WooCommerce related)
    • Onsale products (WooCommerce related)
    • Featured products (WooCommerce related)
    • ACF "Text" custom fields
    • ACF "True/False" custom fields
  • Allows to select/exclude specific taxonomy terms showing in filter
  • Allows to include/exclude child terms of hierarchical taxonomies
  • Allows to show range list for numeric values (such as product price)
  • Limit of showing values that allows to not break page output if your site has thousands of terms. The default limit is 250 values per filter item, it can be changed via the us_list_filter_values_output_limit PHP filter.
  • PHP hooks which makes it easier to customize the filter via custom PHP code.

Currently, the List Filter element:

  • does not affect on URL
  • does not have "Range Slider" and "Number Range" selection types
  • does not have ability to show amount of related posts
  • does not have the horizontal layout with related styles
  • does not work with:
    • Post List element with the Numbered Pagination
    • Product List element with the Numbered Pagination
    • Grid element
    • Term List element
    • User List element

List Filter will be improved in further theme versions.