Content Carousel

Content Carousel is the element that allows to rotate/slide items with different content.

Live Examples

How to Add Elements into Content Carousel #

Drag and drop elements inside the Content Carousel, choosing position via marker.

Press the "plus" icon and pick the needed element from the list.

Elements that can't be added inside the Content Carousel

  1. Row/Section
  2. Accordion
  3. Carousel
  4. Color Scheme Switch
  5. Contact Form
  6. Content Carousel
  7. Dropdown
  8. Gallery
  9. Grid
  10. Grid Filter
  11. Grid Order
  12. Image Slider
  13. List Filter
  14. List Order
  15. List Search
  16. Login
  17. Map
  18. Page Scroller
  19. Post List
  20. Product List
  21. Reusable Block
  22. Search
  23. Separator
  24. Tabs
  25. Term List
  26. User List
  27. Vertical Tabs (Tour)

General Settings #

This group of settings allows you to customize the appearance of the Content Carousel.

The Number of Items to Show defines the number of items that should appear on a single slide of the carousel. When set to Auto, it will define this number automatically, based on the width of inner elements.

Navigation #

This group of settings allows you to add and customize the appearance of navigation arrows and dots for the Content Carousel.

You can define if the slide changing should be possible via dragging on different devices by using relevant switches:

  • Slide by mouse drag.
  • Slide by touch drag.

Responsive #

This group of settings allows you to customize the Content Carousel appearance and navigation for different devices.

Use pre-defined or custom screen Breakpoint Width to apply needed changes.

In Responsive, Prev/Next arrows and Dots inherit the appearance from the Navigation settings.