Updated 3 days ago
Version 8.34.1 — March 25, 2024 #
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- FIXED compatibility with plugins that use jQuery events (like WP Booking System, UberMenu, etc.) after updating to version 8.34
Version 8.34 — March 10, 2025 #
- ADDED ability to use Google reCAPTCHA (v3) for the Contact Form element
- ADDED ability to create multicolor gradients, now color pickers allow you:
- create linear gradients with more than 2 colors
- set position for every color in a gradient
- use dynamic values for colors inside a gradient, for example: you can create a gradient between Primary and Secondary colors (disregarding their values)
- create gradients inside Custom Global Colors
- IMPROVED Post List and Product List elements – added the "Preload Style" option that allows to change the default spinner (while filtering) to "Faded Items" or "Animated Placeholders"
- IMPROVED List Filter element – added the
PHP hook allowing to change query arguments of the filtering by taxonomies in the List Filter - UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug where the Carousel "Auto Height" option, when enabled for mobiles, would not work if it was disabled for desktops
- FIXED bug when some Grid/Post List/Product List items become wider (than they should be) after updating to version 8.33
- FIXED bug when Grid/Post List/Product List items with custom sizes (1x2, 2x1, 2x2) didn't fit on small screens
- FIXED bug when custom code from the "Page Settings" window in WPBakery doesn't work for Page Templates
- FIXED bug when the color scheme specified for dark theme could not include Custom Global Colors
- FIXED bug when the Grid with images shows nothing if some image is attached to any page
- FIXED bug when extra lines are added if saving the Text Block in WPBakery builder in Firefox
- FIXED bug when the Search element in header didn't work with the "Field Style" option
- FIXED colors of "TablePress" table when used inside a Row/Section with custom colors
- FIXED bug when the Live Builder didn't work with the FileBird version 6.4.3 and above
- FIXED scaling of images that used inside a Reusable Block that is set as a dropdown menu
- FIXED bug when Grid Filter scrolls a page to the top if its Grid doesn't have results
- FIXED inocorrect Events order by custom field in the Grid and Carousel elements
- FIXED bug when Vertical Wrapper in the header could have the wrong link area
- FIXED bug when the WPBakery "Page Settings" window shows an empty tab
- FIXED bug when Carousel items can't have the same height on mobiles
- FIXED accessibility issue of the "Add to Favorites" button
- FIXED compatibility with 3rd-party JavaScript events
- FIXED PHP conflict with the Tutor LMS plugin
Version 8.33.2 — January 30, 2024 #
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- FIXED issue with a Grid/List when its "Gap between items" option has "%", now all percentage values are changed to "cqw" units to be compatible with the new CSS grid styles
- FIXED case when the product gallery images were not stretched to the full container width
- FIXED javascript conflict with the Ninja Forms plugin after updating to version 8.33
Version 8.33.1 — January 22, 2024 #
- FIXED bug when pages with any carousel can't be scrolled on mobiles after updating to version 8.33
Version 8.33 — January 20, 2025 #
- ADDED new Underlining Links options – now you can change the line thickness, offset, style, and color for all text links globally.
Example 1, example 2, example 3 - ADDED new Favorites Counter element that shows the current amount of favorites, it's available for the Header Builder only
- ADDED ability to check new updates on the Impreza > About admin page. Now there is no need to wait refresh period or delete transients to get available updates for the theme and bundled plugins.
- IMPROVED List Filter element:
- added ability to show filter items horizontally (example)
- added "Titles as dropdowns" filter items layout with ability to change their field style
- now the Range Slider appearance depends on the selected Field Style
- IMPROVED The Events Calendar support:
- added the Event Date and Time element for Grid Layouts and Page Templates, now you can show customized date/time of all events
- improved visual compatibility of default templates with the theme styling
- IMPROVED Grid, Post List, Product List, Term List elements – now their "Columns" and "Gap between Items" changes are showing instantly in the Live preview
- IMPROVED Custom HTML element – now it supports dynamic values via curly brakets:
, etc. - IMPROVED Popup element - now its Days until next show option supports fractional values, for example
means six hours - UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED incorrect appearance of the Content Carousel showing images, if it has the fixed height and its "Items to show" options is set to "Auto"
- FIXED bug when "blog" pre-built demo websites shows "No results found" after installing via Setup Wizard
- FIXED bug when the "Add To Favorites" Button ignores the Font Size value from Design > Text settings
- FIXED issue when theme
tags don't have the ID and some plugins (like WP Rocket) disable them - FIXED bug when it's not possible to place the "Inner Row" element inside the Content Carousel
- FIXED incorrect work of Carousel with "Loop" and "Auto Rotation" options on small screens
- FIXED bug when duplicating the Accordion' section did not work correctly in Live Builder
- FIXED bug when image previews are not showing while editing the Grid Layout or Header
- FIXED bug when the Product Gallery settings show nothing in WPBakery builder
- FIXED bug when the "Edit selected" link is not showing for selected Grid Layout
- FIXED work of the Popup element inside Grid/List after applying Grid/List Filter
- FIXED work of List Filter element if the End Date is set without the Start Date
- FIXED case when the "Semplicita Pro" Adobe font was not applied correctly
- FIXED incorrect work of Grid Filter + Grid Order with the same custom field
- FIXED incorrect appearance of vertical header when zooming the page
- FIXED incorrect work of Mobile Menu if it has appearance animation
- FIXED case when the ".webp" images are not opened in a popup
- FIXED compatibility with Gravirty Forms Survey addon
- FIXED minor issues
Version 8.32.2 — December 17, 2024 #
- FIXED bug when Tabs would not transform into an Accordion on smaller screens after upgrading to 8.32
Version 8.32.1 — December 6, 2024 #
- FIXED editing with the WPBakery Page Builder after updating to version 8.32
- FIXED work of Google Maps on the frontend
Version 8.32 — December 5, 2024 #
- ADDED new Cooking Blog pre-built demo site
- ADDED ability to create different Field Styles and assign them to theme elements with input fields (Contact Form, List Filter, Search, etc.) Learn more
- now every field style also has the Text Transform and Checkbox Size options
- now every field style is generated using CSS variables, that improves customizations and compatibility with 3rd-party plugins
- now all fields of Gravity Forms and Contact Form 7 plugins use the Impreza field style by default
- ADDED ability to use background image or gradient inside the text. The relevant option is implemented for the Text and Text Block elements.
- IMPROVED Design settings of all elements:
- added the Background > Backdrop Filter option
- added the Sizes > Aspect Ratio option
- IMPROVED Content Carousel and Carousel elements:
- now the "Auto Rotation Interval" option applies to responsive states as well
- now the "Continual Rotation" works when the "Items = Auto"
- IMPROVED List Filter element – added option to enable search field to narrow choices in checkboxes or radio buttons
- IMPROVED Optimize JS and CSS size – now its interface shows the "Font Awesome used icons" checkbox to improve UX
- IMPROVED built-in SEO module – now the "og:locale:alternate" meta tags are added automatically when site has multiple languages via WPML or Polylag
- IMPROVED WPML support – now all new theme elements are available for translation
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when the Post List would not show posts on archive pages if the "Exclude from search results" option was used
- FIXED case with PHP fatal error occurred when updating the UpSolution Core plugin before updating the theme itself
- FIXED case when the "Custom Columns Layout" option in the Live Builder may create tons of columns
- FIXED incorrect work when the Display Logic uses "Has a value" condition with ACF "Repeater" fields
- FIXED work of the "Transition Duration" option in Carousel and Content Carousel elements
- FIXED bug when editing page title in the Live Builder changes all post titles in the preview
- FIXED notices appearance when using a coupon form on the Cart and Checkout pages
- FIXED incorrect work of Accordion and Tabs sections with the Live Builder
- FIXED visual compatibility with the latest version of the TablePress plugin
- FIXED work of the List Filter with ACF "Select" fields with multiple choices
- FIXED minor visual issues
Version 8.31.2 — November 20, 2024 #
- FIXED incorrect position of images in WordPress 6.7 if they have a height set
- FIXED appearance of coupon errors on Cart and Checkout pages
- FIXED work of the Carousel "Loop" option on sites with PHP 7.4
- FIXED work of the "Contact Form 7" element in Live Builder
- FIXED PHP errors on the Setup Wizard admin page
- FIXED custom logo size on the WP Login page
Version 8.31.1 — November 14, 2024 #
- FIXED Spanish translation that causes PHP fatal error after updating to Impreza 8.31
- FIXED incorrect position of SVG images in header after updating to Impreza 8.31
Version 8.31 — November 13, 2024 #
- IMPROVED Favorite Sections – now saved sections include the Grid Layout content, so you're able to share your own custom Grid Layouts between your sites
- IMPROVED List Order element:
- now it works with the Post List and Product List elements which have a Numbered Pagination
- now it adds URL params in a browser address bar when changing order, it can be disabled by the "Change URL params" option
- ACF supported fields are now available for selection
- Post Views Counter relevant values are now available for selection
- The Events Calendar relevant values are now available for selection
- improved PHP hook to apply custom sorting logic
- IMPROVED List Filter element:
- now it works with the Post List and Product List elements which have a Numbered Pagination
- now it correctly shows the initial order of hierarchical terms
- IMPROVED List Search element:
- now it works with the Post List and Product List elements which have a Numbered Pagination
- now it adds URL params in a browser address bar when searching, it can be disabled by the "Change URL params" option
- IMPROVED Text Block element – now it supports all dynamic values with curly brakets {{}}
- IMPROVED built-in SEO module:
- now the meta description content has the 'og:description' attribute to be available for social networks
- now the "canonical" link tag has the real canonical URL even on paginated posts
- now the sitemap.xml contains correct pages based on their "Robots" option
- UPDATED "Twitter" labels renamed to "X"
- UPDATED support with WPBakery 8.0
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when editing custom text shortcodes with the Live Builder resets the Text Block content
- FIXED bug when Carousel with the "Show more" links would no longer be draggable with a mouse
- FIXED bug when Carousel and Content Carousel don't auto-rotate multiple items at a time
- FIXED work of ACF Relationship within the Post List element after applying the List Filter
- FIXED appearance of custom taxonomy labels of "Portfolio" module in the admin menu
- FIXED work of Sidebar and Titlebar options for The Events Calendar archive pages
- FIXED bug when Contact Form dropdown values are not translatable via WPML
- FIXED work of dynamic color values in the "Additional Settings" color pickers
- FIXED work of built-in filtering in Grid with taxonomies containing dashes
- FIXED work of ACF Post Object within the Post List element
- FIXED visual issues of Accordion and Tabs on RTL sites
- FIXED incorrect schema markup in the Person element
- FIXED incorrect sizing of images on WordPress 6.7
- FIXED several possible PHP errors
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.30 — October 14, 2024 #
- ADDED the new Favorite Sections functionality that allows you to save sections of content and use them across all your sites with Impreza and Zephyr
- IMPROVED Carousel element (to match the new Content Carousel element):
- added ability to rotate items with different widths (note the Columns option is moved to the Number of Items to Show)
- now it's possible change Auto Height and Loop options based on the screen width
- now it's possible disable Prev/Next arrows and Dots based on the screen width
- added ability to on/off Slide by mouse drag and Slide by touch drag
- added ability to pause the auto-rotating carousel on mouse hover
- now responsive settings can contain more than 3 breakpoints
- added Dots Style selection
- IMPROVED Content Carousel element (to match the old Carousel element):
- added ability to apply the "Fade" transition effect for 1 column
- added the "Transition Timing Function" option
- IMPROVED List Filter element:
- added Range Slider and Range Input selection types. Example
- added Date Picker selection type with four options. Example
- added support for "Date Picker" and "Date Time Picker" ACF fields
- now the filter changes URL params in a browser address bar, this ability can be disabled in settings
- added ability to select which post types to display values from
- IMPROVED Post List and Product List elements – added the "Use URL params to show results" option to use URL params from the List Filter. Example
- IMPROVED Horizontal Wrapper and Vertical Wrapper elements – added the "Link" option to make the whole wrapper clickable
- IMPROVED Add to Favorites Button element – added ability to show the specified message after adding to favorites
- IMPROVED ACF support – now all options that allow selecting ACF fields also contain subfields from the "Group" field type
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when the Live Builder does not show background image and Vertical Indents changes until page reload
- FIXED bug when user roles could not be selected in Display Logic if the WPBakery plugin was deactivated
- FIXED bug when draft posts are displayed in lists after using the List Order and List Search elements
- FIXED bug when ACF Post Object and ACF Page Link fields are not working in the Link options
- FIXED bug when WPBakery image filters were not applied when selecting an image
- FIXED apperance of default WooCommerce Product gallery on mobiles
- FIXED work of the Browser Toolbar color picker with dynamic values
- FIXED several possible PHP errors
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.29 — September 13, 2024 #
- ADDED new List Filter element that allows to filter items inside Post List and Product List elements
- ADDED new "Add To Favorites" functionality which allows users add posts/products into their wishlist and see it via Post List / Product List elements
- IMPROVED Display Logic settings:
- added "Inner Grid/List has items" condition allowing to hide containers with the empty Grid/List
- added ability to select the "Author of the current post" for User Role and User Custom Field conditions
- improved Taxonomy Term conditions allowing:
- search and select needed terms via the interface
- trigger if the current post has any term (or doesn't have terms) of selected taxonomy
- improved Date/Time conditions allowing cases:
- from 00:00 to 11:59 every day
- from June 15 to August 15 of each year
- from the 1st to the 3rd of each month
- from 10am Monday to 7pm Friday
- etc.
- added PHP hooks (filters) to implement you own logic via child theme customizations
- IMPROVED dynamic values – added the predefined values:
- {{current_id}} gets the current post/term/user ID
- {{favs_count}} gets the amount of user's favorite posts
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED compatibility of the "Checkout Payment" and "Cart Totals" elements with the latest WooCommerce versions
- FIXED bug when the Content Carousel with enabled "Slide by mouse drag" blocks a page scroll on touch screens
- FIXED case when the Gravity Forms plugin slows down the editing pages via WPBakery Backend Editor
- FIXED incorrect stretching of Row backgrounds with parallax on iPhones
- FIXED bug when Media Categories aren't sync with WPML translations
- FIXED rare case when the Color Scheme Switch doesn't change colors
- FIXED incorrect work of duplication/cloning elements in Live Builder
- FIXED incorrect work of dynamic values on post type archives
- FIXED several possible PHP errors
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.28 — August 13, 2024 #
- ADDED new Content Carousel element that allows to slide different content elements
- ADDED new List Order element that allows to sort items inside Post List and Product List elements
- IMPROVED Image Slider element:
- now the slider with empty dynamic values is not displayed on the frontend
- now it supports switching images from WooCommerce product variations
- now the slider with a single image does not show thumbnails
- now it has the
class with the number of its images
- IMPROVED Carousel element:
- now the "Loop" option is available in all cases (is not hidden based on other option) and it is enabled by default
- now if the "Loop" is disabled, the Carousel shows only one arrow at the start and end positions
- now if the number of elements is less than the number of columns, the Carousel doesn't clone the elements
- IMPROVED dynamic values:
- added ability to use text dynamic values in more elements (Accordion, Separator, Popup, etc.)
- now allow user custom fields to be displayed inside the User List element
- IMPROVED Display Logic settings – now User Custom Field conditions work correctly with empty custom fields
- IMPROVED generated sitemap XML file – now it excludes 'noindex' pages (set by built-in SEO settings)
- IMPROVED List Search element – now it works for Post/Product List showing items of the current query
- IMPROVED Product List element – added ability to order/sort products by the 'Menu order' value
- IMPROVED Post List element – now its taxonomies list allows to select product taxonomies
- IMPROVED Color Scheme Switch element – added ability to work on cached pages correctly
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when the Page Template from Theme Options would not apply to the CPT if the license was activated for a development website
- FIXED bug when the Breadcrumbs element on the CPT archive page always displays "Pages" instead of CPT name
- FIXED bug when Gravity Form inside Horizontal Wrapper shows its JS script text on the frontend
- FIXED bug when Separator shows its size incorrectly when editing with the Live Builder
- FIXED bug when the Image Colored Shadow would appear as a rectangle in Safari
- FIXED bug when the W3 Total Cache plugin disables editing with the Live Builder
- FIXED incorrect appearance of a Mobile Menu with enabled Scrolling Effects
- FIXED case when the Range Slider of Grid Filter element was not working
- FIXED case of incorrect switching of tabs in WPBakery settings windows
- FIXED editing of Page Templates when the Yoast SEO plugin is active
- FIXED bug when the Interactive Text jumps in Safari
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.27 — July 5, 2024 #
- ADDED new List Search element that allows to use a live search inside Post List and Product List elements. Example
- IMPROVED Image Slider element:
- it can now be added in any Grid Layout, this allows to create lists with sliding images. Example
- added the Include Featured Image option, it helps to use the Image Slider on product/project pages. Example
- added the ability to set Aspect Ratio
- added the ability to change the size and distance between thumbnails
- now the current slide has the
class, this allows to easy customization - now in the Full Screen mode images are always not cropped, regardless of the "Image Fit" option
- added the
PHP hook that allows to customize javascript options
- IMPROVED Row / Section element when showing an image slider on background:
- added the Include Featured Image option, it helps to customize product/project pages. Example
- added the Random Order option
- now the current slide has the
class, this allows to easy customization (for example for a Ken Burns effect)
- IMPROVED Gallery element:
- added the Include Featured Image option, it helps to use the Gallery on product/project pages. Example
- added the Image Fit option that allows to show images without cropping
- IMPROVED Post List and Product List elements – added option to Exclude posts of previous lists (analogue of the Grid element)
- IMPROVED Search element – added the Icon Position option (available in a content area, not in a header)
- UPDATED performance settings – the "Dynamically load theme JS components" option has been removed as it did not provide any improvement in website page loading
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when the selected color scheme in the Color Scheme Switch element doesn't show global custom colors
- FIXED appearance of loaded posts in the Post List with the "Masonry" layout and "load more" pagination
- FIXED cases when a single Reusable Block can't be selected in element settings with the Live Builder
- FIXED bug when the Product List with the "load more" pagination loads posts instead of products
- FIXED bug when the Post List doesn't show posts with the same term of the current post
- FIXED cases when the Live Builder doesn't allows to select elements in the preview area
- FIXED accessibility issue when links don't have an aria-label in the Carousel element
- FIXED rare issue when a color picker in Design settings can change its value
- FIXED work of cq* units in the Gallery element with "Mosaic" layout
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.26 — June 20, 2024 #
- ADDED ability to set the "Gap between Items" for different screen widths, available for Grid, Post List, Product List, Term List, and User List elements
- IMPROVED Post List element:
- added ability to show posts from ACF Relationship and Post Object custom fields
- added ability to order posts by views, if the Post Views Counter plugin is active
- added ability to show posts with (or without) any terms of the selected taxonomy
- added ability to show posts of the current query with custom taxonomy conditions
- now the list item corresponding to the current page has the class "current_page_item", this allow to create custom menus via the Post List element
- IMPROVED Sidebar with Widgets (Widgetised Area) element:
- it can now be edited using the Live builder
- now it works even the WPBakery builder is not installed
- IMPROVED Setup Wizard – now pre-built websites installation:
- correctly overrides the Shop, Cart, Checkout, and My Account pages when installing all content with WooCommerce
- includes sidebars with widgets
- IMPROVED text dynamic values – added ability to show the current user data via the {{user|first_name}} shortcode. Learn more
- IMPROVED WPML and Polylang support – added ability to translate the Message and Button Label fields from Theme Options > General > Cookie Notice
- IMPROVED Popup element – added option to set amount of days for the next show, if the "Show to visitor only once" is enabled
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED issue when the "Auto Optimize" doesn't include needed assets if a Post List used without a Grid element
- FIXED bug when the Video Player with an overlay image would not play the video from a file on iPhones
- FIXED bug when the "Animations Disable Width" option doesn't affect on new scrolling effects
- FIXED bug when the Enter key would not work for the coupon form on the custom checkout page
- FIXED work of the "Show this section open" option with enabled Display Logic in Tabs sections
- FIXED bug when Theme Options > Custom Code fields become wider due to long text strings
- FIXED case when a Page Template used for Archives can't be edited with the Live builder
- FIXED support for WPBakery builder version 7.7+
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.25 — June 5, 2024 #
- ADDED new Post List element, which allows to show:
- multiple post types in a single list
- posts excluding specific taxonomies
- posts based on multiple taxonomies
- posts by custom field values
- posts by specific authors
- posts except selected
- child pages of selected pages
- pages without their child pages
- ADDED ability to deactivate the theme license on the Impreza > About admin page
- IMPROVED site performance – significantly reduced the number of database queries when showing a site that has a huge amount of taxonomy terms
- IMPROVED text dynamic values – added ability to show the current date and time via the {{date|custom_format}} shortcode. Learn more
- IMPROVED Video Player element – now video files are not preloaded if the Overlay Image is set
- IMPROVED Grid Filter element – now its dropdowns can be closed using the ESC key
- IMPROVED Product List element – added ability to show recently viewed products
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug with the Post Image element appearing blank when the aspect ratio and media preview are set
- FIXED bug when the ACF dynamic background image is not showing with a gradient background color
- FIXED support of "span" HTML tags in the Text element when editing with the WPBakery builder
- FIXED several cases with the incorrect filtering of Grid items with the "load more" pagination
- FIXED incorrect number of selected terms being displayed in the Grid and Term List settings
- FIXED empty popup when selecting dynamic link values in the Video Player element
- FIXED incorrect size of the "+1" indicator of the Gallery element in Safari
- FIXED incorrect preview of the Row Content Position in the Live Builder
- FIXED incorrect position of the product count in the Cart element
- FIXED shop notices style on the Cart and Checkout pages
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.24.2 — May 15, 2024 #
- FIXED possible PHP error after updating Impreza to 8.24 and 8.24.1 from versions older than 8.22
Version 8.24 — May 14, 2024 #
- ADDED new Color Scheme Switch element, which allows to switch the website colors by visitors.
- ADDED new option Code after <body>, allowing you to paste own custom HTML code right after the opening body tag of all pages
- IMPROVED Gallery element:
- now if the gallery (with enabled opening images in a popup) has more images then the "based on layout" amount, the last image shows the "plus" sign which allows to see all hidden images in a popup. Check the live example
- "Metro 1" and "Metro 3" layouts are flipped horizontally for better UX
- Height of Images ("Mosaic" layout) has new "cqw" units for more flexible appearance depending on screen sizes
- IMPROVED Popup element – added "Show to visitor only once" option, which allows you to create customizable notifications for site visitors
- IMPROVED Product List – added the "Load More" pagination when showing "Products of the current query", now you can show more customizable shop pages
- IMPROVED Scrolling Effects – Vertical Shift animations are now correct on all screen sizes, and the "Speed" value has more predictable behavior
- IMPROVED User Data element – now it can be added via the WPBakery and Live builders, so you can show the current user data, helping to create a custom "User Profile" pages
- IMPROVED User List element – added ability to show the author of the current post
- IMPROVED Grid Filter – added work of the "Range Slider" on touch screens
- IMPROVED WooCommerce "Login" form – now the hidden "Remember me" checkbox is always checked
- UPDATED predefined Color Schemes
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when the Product List with Upsells / Cross-sells / Onsale products shows all products when no results found
- FIXED work of Custom Global Colors inside Design settings of Grid Layouts elements
- FIXED bug when theme colors cannot be selected via the Block (Gutenberg) Editor
- FIXED bug when animated elements are not visible if pasted in the Live Builder
- FIXED bug when the "us-design-options-css" style tag is duplicated on pages
- FIXED minor issues when installing pre-built websites via the Setup Wizard
- FIXED incorrect sizing of the Row video background when loading a page
- FIXED case when a FlipBox element with a link is not valid HTML
- FIXED several UX issues in the Live Builder preview area
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.23.4 — April 24, 2024 #
- FIXED work of dynamic colors specified as Text color, Border color, Text Shadow color and Box Shadow color in Grid Layout elements
- FIXED bug when the Custom Heading element doesn't save its Design settings in WPBakery version 7.6
- FIXED bug when Popups can't be opened in Safari 17.4+
Version 8.23.2 — April 15, 2024 #
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- FIXED bug when color pickers don't show the selected dynamic value after updating to 8.23
- FIXED possible PHP errors when updating from older Impreza versions
Version 8.23 — April 12, 2024 #
- ADDED ability to use Custom Global Colors in the color scheme. Now you can set up your site's color scheme using just a few colors, check the demo site with 4 colors only.
- ADDED ability to use Adobe Fonts – now after applying the Adobe Project ID, all found fonts will be available for selection in all font settings
- IMPROVED Grid Filter element – added the Range Slider appearance for any numeric data (e.g. products price). Example 1, example 2
- IMPROVED Menu element:
- added ability to set different colors for the Mobile Menu
- added ability to set colors for main items on hover in the transparent header
- IMPROVED Gallery element:
- IMPROVED Design settings:
- now pasting copied values is done with one click of the "Paste" button
- now Box Shadow settings support the use of CSS vars
- IMPROVED Product List element – added ability to show products of the current query within the other element settings (the "load more" pagination isn't working in this release yet)
- IMPROVED Addons – added Converter for Media and LiteSpeed Cache plugins to correspond the updated Site Loading Performance instructions
- IMPROVED User Data element – added ability to select post types when showing number of user posts
- IMPROVED User List element – added ability to show Selected users or Users except selected
- IMPROVED Grid Layout – added the option to ignore colors from Additional Settings
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when Grid Filter would scroll to the top of the page if one of the Grid elements being filtered was hidden
- FIXED incorrect vertical parallax on iPads, now it is disabled on iPads (and iPhones), regardless of screen size
- FIXED bug when the Grid "Load More" option was causing duplicate products (WooCommerce related)
- FIXED bug when the Video Player inside a popup would continue to play after the popup was closed
- FIXED incorrect appearance of stretched columns inside a Row with the custom content width
- FIXED bug when some elements would not use translated images when WPML is enabled
- FIXED bug when Typography settings shows the incorrect font value when WPML is enabled
- FIXED issue when changes of Scrolling Effects settings were not reflected in the Live preview
- FIXED bug when some WPBakery elements can't be selected in the Live Builder preview
- FIXED bug when the Map element's Map Style option was not working in Live Builder
- FIXED work of dynamic colors specified in Design settings of Grid Layout elements
- FIXED incorrect appearance of Scrolling Effects settings in WPBakery
- FIXED incorrect translation of the Pricing Table content via WPML
- FIXED incorrect styling of shop notices on the "My Account" page
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.22 — March 8, 2024 #
- ADDED new Color Swatch option for Product Attributes – now you can show color swatches in the Grid Filter and Post Taxonomy elements to improve visitors experience. Example 1, example 2
- ADDED new Custom Global Colors – allows you to add unlimited color values which can be used in all theme elements and settings (and in your custom CSS code as well)
- IMPROVED Color Pickers (in all theme elements):
- now you can select values from built-in Additional Settings color fields
- now you can select values from ACF Color Picker fields
- you can select new Custom Global Colors as well
- optimized interface of selecting scheme colors for better UX
- IMPROVED Scrolling Effects settings:
- IMPROVED Display Logic:
- added the ability to compare values with custom fields of the current user
- added operators "≥" and "≤" for numeric comparisons
- IMPROVED Video Background in the Row element – now the "Hide video at screen width" option will remove the player HTML on smaller screen sizes, which improves performance on mobile devices
- IMPROVED Portfolio module – added the "Ignore the prefix of the post permalink structure" option (refers to the 'with_front' => FALSE, check the relevant case)
- IMPROVED Grid/Listing element – now it's possible to show posts from ACF Relationship fields
- IMPROVED Product List element – added pagination options (similar to the Grid element)
- IMPROVED Live Builder – added the ability to set/change/remove the Featured image of an edited page
- IMPROVED Post Taxonomy element – added the "Text after value" option
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when the Grid Filter doesn't work with the Grid showing "Items with the same taxonomy of current post"
- FIXED bug when the "diamond" image placeholder can't be removed after installing any prebuilt website
- FIXED incorrect "center" alignment of elements inside a Horizontal Wrapper on small screens
- FIXED issue when the "Disable lazy loading" option doesn't work for some images
- FIXED work of dynamic values for the Background Image option in Grid Layouts
- FIXED bug when Contact From settings doesn't work with dynamic values
- FIXED bug when the Grid Filter doesn't work on the Search Results page
- FIXED appearance of the Grid Filter mobile layout inside a Sticky Row
- FIXED styling of shop notices for the WooCommerce version 8.6+
- FIXED several compatibility issues with WPML
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.21.3 — February 13, 2024 #
- FIXED Live Builder drag'n'drop functionality in Safari 17+
- FIXED several compatibility issues with WPML
Version 8.21.2 — February 5, 2024 #
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- FIXED possible PHP errors when updating from older Impreza versions
- FIXED bug when FlipBoxes dissapear on hover in Safari 17+
- FIXED issues with the Header Builder after updating to 8.21
- FIXED "Learn More" links in Theme Options
- FIXED compatibility issues with PHP 8.1+
Version 8.21 — January 24, 2024 #
- ADDED new User List element – allows you create a list of registered website users with customized appearance:
- Grid Layout builder now includes User Data and User Picture elements
- added 4 user templates for the Grid Layout
- ADDED dynamic values for Images selection in all elements – now you can select a dynamic value including the Image and Gallery ACF types
- IMPROVED Grid/Listing element – added option to select post types when the "Items with the same taxonomy of the current post" is selected
- IMPROVED Scrolling Effects settings – added Horizontal Shift and Transparency effects
- IMPROVED Setup Wizard – now it has a more convenient and colorful interface
- IMPROVED Live Builder – added ability to copy/paste all elements
- IMPROVED Dynamic Values Selection:
- all dynamic values now grouped by global, post data, term data, user data, and ACF groupes for better UX
- added the "Homepage" global value for link settings
- added the "Site Title" global value for text settings
- added the "Site Icon" global value for image settings
- IMPROVED Row Video Background:
- now it automatically plays on mobiles, if visible
- now you can select the URL and oEmbed ACF types as a dynamic value
- IMPROVED Video Player element:
- now it is available in the Grid Layout builder, so you can create grids/lists with videos
- now you can select the URL and oEmbed ACF types as a dynamic value
- now you can select a dynamic value for the Overlay Image
- IMPROVED Display Logic settings – now they are available for ALL theme elements
- IMPROVED interface – the "Custom appearance in Grid" is renamed to the "Additional Settings"
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED cases when the Text element didn't support the following HTML tags: <br>, <code>, <i>, <small>, <span>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>
- FIXED case when the Setup Wizard could not install some pre-built websites with slow internet connections
- FIXED bug when the "Edit selected" link was not shown for the selected Grid Layout in the Grid inrterface
- FIXED bug when the Custom Columns Layout doesn't create columns in the Live Builder preview
- FIXED incorrect order and quantity of manually selected items in the Grid inrterface
- FIXED bug when the "No results found" message was not shown on archive pages
- FIXED bug when selected user roles were not shown in the Display Logic settings
- FIXED bug when the Contact Form sents incorrect page title from archive pages
- FIXED issue when the WPBakery AI icon was not shown for relevant text fields
- FIXED bug when the Separator element shows empty responsive settings
- FIXED visual issues in the interface of some settings on the RTL website
- FIXED conflict of WooCommerce 8.5 shop notices style with theme style
- FIXED incorrect position of backgrounds with vertical parallax on iPads
- FIXED bug when Video Player shows controls disregarding its settings
- FIXED support of Filebird 6+ version
- FIXED some minor issues
Version 8.20 — December 4, 2023 #
- ADDED new Scrolling Effects settings – now you can add the vertical shift / parallax to elements, so they will be shifted during a page scroll. Read more in the documentation.
- ADDED new Product List element – allows you easily create a list of products based on Grid settings, but with more flexible abilities:
- show products based on their taxonomies with complex combinations (e.g. products from the "Clothes" category with "Black" and "White" colors and the "Small" size only)
- show products based on their price
- show products based on their custom fields (it's possible to use dynamic values for custom field conditions, e.g. showing products if their custom date is greater/less than "today")
- show products except manually selected
- and many other combinations which can't be possible via the Grid element
- ADDED new Checkout Page Login element – adds a login ability for visitors during checkout, when it uses custom theme elements
- ADDED new Custom HTML Attributes settings – now you can add custom HTML attributes to every theme element
- IMPROVED Gallery element:
- added ability to show images from custom fields
- added settings for "load more" pagination
- IMPROVED Popup element:
- added Popup Layout option with Full Screen, Left Panel, Right Panel values
- added new opening animations
- added Popup Layout option with Full Screen, Left Panel, Right Panel values
- IMPROVED interface of selecting terms in Grid/Listing, Carousel, Gallery, Term List, Product List elements:
- now the first click always show the first 20 values
- now values depend on selected taxonomy
- now values are sorted alphabetically
- now search uses the built-in WordPress function to avoid incorrect results, (search by one letter works)
- IMPROVED Archives Layout settings – now you can customize the layout for archives of custom post types separately
- IMPROVED Display Logic settings – added "Has a value" and "Doesn't have a value" operators for custom field conditions
- IMPROVED Dynamic Values Selection – added the "Select Dynamic Value" popup for more "text" fields of theme elements
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when the Video Player would not play videos with an Image Overlay and GDPR compliance enabled
- FIXED bug when the Reusable Block in the menu dropdown was cut off by the bottom screen edge
- FIXED columns preview in the Live Builder when the "Columns Layout via CSS Grid" option is OFF
- FIXED bugs when some settings can't be selected with the latest WPBakery Builder version
- FIXED case of invalid HTML tags in the Post Custom Field element
- FIXED minor compatibilty issues with PHP 8.2
- FIXED some minor issues