Impreza Roadmap

The latest Impreza version is 8.23

Below we list upcoming features, some are already in development, some are scheduled.

Next Impreza Version 8.24 #

  1. Product List element: showing products from the "current query" with the "Load More" pagination
  2. Dark Mode switch on the frontend for site visitors. [request]
  3. Scrolling Effects: smoother animation and better control of the vertical shift [request]
  4. Popup: show once for visitor. [request]
  5. User List: show author of the current post. [request]
  6. User Data: show custom fields of the current user on any page. [request]
  7. ... and more features

Future Releases #

  • Product List element: work with the new Product Filter element
  • New Post List element: the Grid analogue to show any post types but with more flexible options. [request]
  • Grid element: ability to show several post types. [request]
  • Grid element: showing posts excluding specific taxonomies. [request]
  • Grid element: showing posts by specific authors. [request]
  • Grid element: Gap between Items for responsive sizes. [request]
  • ... and more features