Public Support Tickets

Feature Requests
Demo Requests
Ticket Last Reply Votes
Google api key resolved 4 years ago td2009 6
Mailchimp not working resolved 4 years ago payberah 2
Adding Background image at the top resolved 4 years ago racing14 1
Logo within the header is very small resolved 4 years ago Joanna 15
Mailchimp and Contact Form integration resolved 4 years ago payberah 2
Fontawesome are squares after migration resolved 4 years ago Jaco 1
Logo with New Version of Impreza does not zoom out anymore resolved 4 years ago sandroli 1
Sticky Elements Different? resolved 4 years ago Freshy 102
Shop Sidebar resolved 4 years ago nilshollm 16
Responsive design stopped working resolved 4 years ago payberah 2
compatible update resolved 4 years ago hallo72 15
mobile menu adjustments resolved 4 years ago dínamolab 5
Social Media Buttons Not Working resolved 4 years ago payberah 2
Cant find "Blog" in WPBakery resolved 4 years ago Ivan 3
Error in Impreza resolved 4 years ago Pinkstone01 11
What means "IMPROVED Cart & Checkout pages" from Version 7 ? resolved 4 years ago Ivan 11
Anchor jumps to suppage but don't shows background pics on Ipad resolved 4 years ago Ivan 6
vc_empty_space & vc_gmaps won't work after activating the Optimize JS and CSS size resolved 4 years ago Ivan 1
Cant use media max height query resolved 4 years ago Ivan 3
line spacing resolved 4 years ago Ivan 15
Impreza Licenses resolved 4 years ago basti4k 7
Extra Whitespace after upgrade to Impreza 7.0.3 resolved 4 years ago Ivan 10
Add Expiry parameter to slider background resolved 4 years ago Ivan 31
demo importer would not import everything resolved 4 years ago Amir N 1
change logo size resolved 4 years ago Ivan 5
Why can't I get related products to show in shop/cart/checkout? resolved 4 years ago Ivan 1
New Design Tab and button links resolved 4 years ago Ivan 8
Why did the Design tab in WP Bakery change? How do I specify paddings, margins, borders, etc.? resolved 4 years ago storybookpages 7
Advanced search filter resolved 4 years ago Ivan 57
Mobile Dropdown bug resolved 4 years ago Ivan 2
I can't see the background color anymore resolved 4 years ago Starg1985 2
Onepager links and anchors not working resolved 4 years ago Ivan 2
Button is not displayed resolved 4 years ago Ivan 3
Why do I see this error about activation theme resolved 4 years ago Ivan 1
Logo size after update resolved 4 years ago marklovetv 29
Post Prev/Next Navigation Element 4 years ago Steve M 24
Title-Tag in Logo ? 4 years ago basti4k 7
Title-Tag in Logo and Menu ? resolved 4 years ago basti4k 7
Elements have disappeared resolved 4 years ago dinoflow 165
Menu over background color or image not working resolved 4 years ago Ivan 1
Version 7.0.3 ..."Your website content needs to be changed to be compatible with Impreza 7.0.3" resolved 4 years ago Ivan 7
Is it possible to slow down carousel speed? resolved 4 years ago Ivan 16
Cusotm shortcode in Grid Layout builder resolved 4 years ago danieleelli 65
Accordion margins on mobile much too wide resolved 4 years ago toolbox 10
send to a thank you page resolved 4 years ago marnix101 3
Few problems after updating to 7.0.3. resolved 4 years ago AsperaGrafica 175
Header is breaking fullscreen row height and also the shadow wont be hidden while scroll resolved 4 years ago Ivan 3
Background-image on demo page home-3 has gone away… (Demo 7.0.1) resolved 4 years ago Ivan 11
Jquery confliction at frontend resolved 4 years ago Ivan 3
Dropdown menu in mobile on subpages resolved 4 years ago Ivan 13