Public Support Tickets

Feature Requests
Demo Requests
Ticket Last Reply Votes
Hello, I would like add a background movie. Like in the one pager demo. How can I do this? resolved 8 years ago Ivan 1
Slider Revolution error: could not unzip into the revslider/public/assets/ folder, please make sure that this folder is writable resolved 8 years ago WolfLPer 2
After upgrading theme to 3.1 from 1.5, lost all customization resolved 8 years ago Ivan 1
Search Function resolved 8 years ago 5
Can't translate footer sidebars and copyright resolved 8 years ago Miraclef 3
Text block editing in Visual Composer does not work resolved 8 years ago Ivan 45
Sticky Header suddenly became transparent resolved 8 years ago Ivan 1
Page comments - need to disable comments resolved 8 years ago Miraclef 3
Featured image on custom post types resolved 8 years ago Wiliam Jose Koester 72
No standard VC column layouts not displaying correctly resolved 8 years ago Ivan 1
Customize Woocommerce page resolved 8 years ago Romm7 1
How can I transfer header settings? resolved 8 years ago Ivan 19
Created additional images in medialibrary resolved 8 years ago Ivan 1
Show video in the background of a row resolved 8 years ago Ivan 1
Header items placement resolved 8 years ago Ivan 8
Menù without page resolved 8 years ago Ivan 1
Hi. I have your theme. My video background is not working. resolved 8 years ago Ivan 4
Complete site break down after update! resolved 8 years ago vinnyistv 6
Footer Height resolved 8 years ago pinchaslandis 4
Open a photo gallery directly from a portfolio thumbnail resolved 8 years ago Ivan 8
Transparent Header on Woocommerce Shop Page resolved 8 years ago Ivan 1
Backend not showing correct resolved 8 years ago Hanzjuh 7
Brief description resolved 8 years ago Romm7 29
Product Images in WooCommerce are not changing resolved 8 years ago Ivan 6
search shop resolved 8 years ago Ivan 2
Hide featured image in posts but not on archive pages resolved 8 years ago dariojuergens 4
Slider Revolution only fades resolved 8 years ago danieldade 1
Safari dont show vimeo video resolved 8 years ago Ivan 1
Two different menus resolved 8 years ago Ivan 57
Put the breadcrumbs below the titlebar image resolved 8 years ago danieldade 9
Put a color to each page of the menu. how I do? resolved 8 years ago giandeblasi 3
How to hide a white line on the menu? resolved 8 years ago giandeblasi 3
scroll speed resolved 8 years ago Grischa 2
Visual Composer doesnt work resolved 8 years ago Ivan 0
incompatibility with php 7.0.7 resolved 8 years ago Ivan 2
Action box open modal? resolved 8 years ago Ivan 3
add 2 main menus in header resolved 8 years ago Ivan 42
How remove logo in sticky header? resolved 8 years ago Ivan 5
Video Autoplay resolved 8 years ago Ivan 7
How to Not Include Royal Slider JS File resolved 8 years ago pinaldave 4
Blank Page Template resolved 8 years ago Ivan 2
Php files path? resolved 8 years ago Ivan 1
"With & Reponsiveness" is missing resolved 8 years ago Aleksandr K 69
Banner Size Aspect Ratio resolved 8 years ago pinaldave 4
Problem with new custom header resolved 8 years ago Ivan 21
Background image Haeder + sidebar resolved 8 years ago JoRo73 2
Main Menu Mobile resolved 8 years ago Ivan 1
New Header Builder Image Link Not Working resolved 8 years ago Ivan 55
I can not activate the Addons resolved 8 years ago Ivan 1
Can portfolio tile image vary by portfolio category? 8 years ago Anna Lina 123