Public Support Tickets

Feature Requests
Demo Requests
Ticket Last Reply Votes
Examples for every element are missing 5 years ago Wolfgang 6
Custom image icons for Accordion sections 4 years ago Pixelzon 6
Card UI for Individual (Blog) Posts Pages 7 years ago sacksdr 6
Custom Product grids Quick view 3 years ago creativecorneragency 5
Add sharing buttons/icons to blog excerpts and non visual composer areas 6 years ago ben2010uk 4
Image Links on Image Slider 6 years ago blackfish 4
Add an option to disable theme Lightbox 5 years ago alexpinkish 3
External Featured Image 7 years ago Ivan 3
Menu 5th level 8 years ago Ivan 3
Map Filters 8 years ago ryanlegal32 3
Icon select for widget titles 7 years ago LCallaghan84 2
Add tables support in Grid Layout 5 years ago sitemaxgomes 2
Nav Level 2 & 3 in different design than level 1 2 years ago Bayu 2
Menu Item Background on hover in Transparent Menus 5 years ago vanZelm 2
Hover effect and text shadows at Design Options and few more improvements 4 years ago Mr Yekta 2
Button styles for comments submit 4 years ago Mr Yekta 2
Update Open Graph 4 years ago Mr Yekta 2
RankMath SEO PlugIn Compatibility 11 months ago ETRON 2
Import/export colour scheme 7 years ago Robsonos 1
Off-canvas side-navigation for mobile devices? 6 years ago Simbaclaws 1
Image gallery fullscreen & swipe on mobiles 6 years ago wlosit 1
Request Built-in Custom Widgets, JSON-LD Schema Type, Floating Share Buttons, Social Share Counter in Theme Options 5 years ago Rahul Mukherjee 1
Tooltip when hover over a specific area 6 years ago envanto666 1
Visualization of content 7 months ago stefSL 1
Hide Demo Import in menu 4 years ago Ivan 1
Filter or value render function for Counter Shortcode 5 years ago banksabout 1
Row instances for global design adjustments 8 years ago Aleksandr K 1
Check for presence of shortcodes templates in child theme 4 years ago banksabout 1
Multiple locations with search filter 3 years ago beettan 1
Grid layout - Images referring to pages 3 years ago cpdlabimed 1
Image Source controls in Visual Composer 8 years ago nudgedigital 1
Add video background to header 6 years ago Simbaclaws 1
Add Behance icon to the library of social icons 9 months ago polystorm 1
Polylang 4 years ago Phelect 1