Public Support Tickets

Feature Requests
Demo Requests
Ticket Last Reply Votes
Product description below the product resolved 5 years ago Ivan 31
No icons resolved 6 years ago przeswietl 27
Unknown problem resolved 6 years ago ulkacurl 31
Mixed content issue because of font resolved 6 years ago Ivan 1
logo blocks social media links resolved 6 years ago Ivan 31
Menu from both sides of logo aligned center resolved 6 years ago ulkacurl 31
Custom post type resolved 6 years ago Jellit 50
Logo align center resolved 6 years ago Ivan 50
Page or CPT overview resolved 6 years ago Ivan 50
speed up website resolved 6 years ago Ivan 1
stick column resolved 6 years ago Ivan 1
Styling article area, comments and previous/next resolved 6 years ago Jellit 50
Menu responsiveness resolved 6 years ago javieribanez 2
Product pictures are all gone at once resolved 6 years ago ulkacurl 31
header builder resolved 6 years ago Ivan 2
Icon bug resolved 6 years ago jealodesign 1
Theme Options $smof_data is NULL after theme update resolved 6 years ago Ivan 1
Iconbox align center resolved 6 years ago Jellit 50
Tabs cause jittering on scroll resolved 6 years ago Ivan 1
Cannot send the message. Please contact the website administrator directly. resolved 6 years ago Ivan 1
Using lightbox or modal box from button in header? resolved 6 years ago Ivan 7
Parallax effect bug resolved 6 years ago euracresearch 33
Some Google Fonts not showing in Typography list resolved 6 years ago Ivan 28
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function after Parent theme update resolved 6 years ago pelicani 1
Tricky CSS case resolved 6 years ago Ivan 2
Replace all Blog post comment forms with a Gravity Forms form resolved 6 years ago Ivan 28
Envato membership resolved 6 years ago Jellit 50
product page bug (?) resolved 6 years ago ulkacurl 31
Portfolio items resolved 6 years ago Jellit 50
Search replace wpbakery content element resolved 6 years ago Jellit 50
mobile menu is not clickable resolved 6 years ago Ivan 2
Can't copy content from English version of header to other language resolved 6 years ago ulkacurl 31
Today, the Add To Cart button on all product pages is missing resolved 6 years ago dotcominfo 11
Tour in table resolved 6 years ago Ivan 1
Slider Revolution, problem with autoplay resolved 6 years ago Todellisuus 2
How do I change the header menu text font color? resolved 6 years ago info100hjs01 1
Small letters text for button in top area header resolved 6 years ago info100hjs01 1
How display blog description in header resolved 6 years ago mmaciejow 1
Create a Facebook icon like in the full Zephyr demo resolved 6 years ago Ivan 1
Video Modal Popup for YouTube Link from ActionBox button resolved 6 years ago Ivan 6
Certain Font Awesome icons don't work resolved 6 years ago Ivan 6
Active theme for temporary website resolved 6 years ago mmaciejow 1
content missing resolved 6 years ago Ivan 1
WPML switcher element in header resolved 6 years ago Ivan 31
Could you suggest how can I fix the distance between testimonial? resolved 6 years ago ulkacurl 31
Picture is not visible in Chrome browser resolved 6 years ago Ivan 8
Change the area on each page where it indicates on what page you are. resolved 6 years ago Ivan 1
links doesn't work resolved 6 years ago ulkacurl 31
Problem editing content resolved 6 years ago pelicani 1
Disable material icons resolved 6 years ago Elbnetz 146