Public Support Tickets

Feature Requests
Demo Requests
Ticket Last Reply Votes
Default Icons on WooCommerce Account Page resolved 4 years ago Ivan 6
Image alignment resolved 4 years ago Mirek 29
Padding Numbers appearing on heading top resolved 4 years ago Anders Orozco 8
Titles aren't showing in my blog posts resolved 4 years ago Ivan 29
From content templates how to make the title appear in the center? resolved 4 years ago BorisGichev 1
How to remove the main title to disappear ? resolved 4 years ago BorisGichev 0
How to make the footer full width? resolved 4 years ago BorisGichev 0
How to make by default the main title to appear with a silver background? resolved 4 years ago BorisGichev 0
How to take the logo lower from the top? resolved 4 years ago BorisGichev 0
Spacing between portfolio items in Grid resolved 4 years ago Mirek 29
How do I add "read more" functionality to a testimonial grid element that I am showing partial content on by default? resolved 4 years ago RubenDigitalMediaLLC 67
Header menu resolved 4 years ago Ivan 22
Blog title H1 has changed on mobile resolved 4 years ago Jellit 50
Timeline Tabs do not appear resolved 4 years ago Ivan 6
Logged as admin. Maintenance mode doesn't let you see the website. resolved 4 years ago Shinseiten 2
Don't show anything data import menu resolved 4 years ago Ivan 2
Custom text design in row not changing resolved 4 years ago Mirek 29
Cookie plugin resolved 4 years ago Jellit 50
Grid-Layout seems busted resolved 4 years ago Ivan 3
Close icon missing in fullscreen menu resolved 4 years ago Mirek 29
Image popup / Content template 4 years ago Mirek 35
Hide, in a Content Template, a post content when it's empty resolved 4 years ago alligatorsnc 82
Image popup in Content template resolved 4 years ago Ivan 29
Content with Prev/Next navigation in Pages resolved 4 years ago Ivan 22
Images Placeholder resolved 4 years ago Ivan 22
customize mobile icon resolved 4 years ago CAGN 22
"50" shows at top of every page since 7.0.3 upgrade resolved 4 years ago Ivan 6
Demo import fails resolved 4 years ago Ivan 1
Theme options > Colors not displaying as expected resolved 4 years ago Ivan 1
Display portfolio category name in page resolved 4 years ago progaming 2
characters showing up in header after theme update resolved 4 years ago gary8709 1
Display grid element based on a datetime custom field resolved 4 years ago Ivan 8
Content with Page Title error. resolved 4 years ago jeremycouch 1
Space over header resolved 4 years ago Peter 31
Wordpress Dashboard Slow / Timeout resolved 4 years ago Ivan 6
Carousel resolved 4 years ago ulkacurl 31
Posts not loading resolved 4 years ago bagimene 1
Bug? image pop up gallery resolved 4 years ago CAGN 22
I guess the new version Zephyr 7 have bugs in customization resolved 4 years ago CAGN 22
Update Zephyr 7 questions resolved 4 years ago Ivan 22
Cookie Notice / v 6.8 resolved 4 years ago Ivan 29
Page Scroller stops at hidden rows resolved 4 years ago Ivan 3
grid layout: blog_11 excerpt shows gallery image captions and videolinks resolved 4 years ago Ivan 1
Grid Layout parameters resolved 4 years ago ulkacurl 31
When I try and change the colors nothing happens resolved 4 years ago Ivan 13
Page header and footer for tags resolved 4 years ago cnbsafe 14
icons not displaying resolved 4 years ago caseyjdc 0
WP Rocket/LazyLoad Conflict (Protocol being stripped from shortcode output) resolved 4 years ago Ivan 25
YouTube Responsive Video resolved 4 years ago niklasveenhuis 2
Header menu overlapping the page content resolved 4 years ago Ivan 1